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Posts by mmBeefStew

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Hello all!

I am hoping this is the right place to ask this, looking at the rules for the ASM related help led me to believe this is more basic than something I should be asking there.

I am trying to make a 1F0 block that is affected by the state of the On/Off switch in Block Creator. Something I've noticed in doing so is that when you use the function to "Act like a certain block" and choose 1F0 the block almost seems like it is actually acting as 130 for sprites and acting as 25 for Mario and not truly acting as 1F0. The reason I think this is that sprites don't glide on it the same way they do on 1F0 and instead simply interact the same way they would with 130. Also Yoshi does his little bounce that happens when sitting on normal ground or 130 tiles and isn't sitting stationary as it does when sitting on a 1F0 tile.

I am hoping that someone can shed some light on this, my end goal is to have a 1F0 tile that acts as the default 1F0 when the On/Off state is "On" and acts as 25 when the On/Off state is "Off". If there is a way to do this through block creator that I am missing I would love to know what I'm doing wrong, if this is just a quirk of Block Creator and there is a workaround using another method I would love to know about that as well.

Originally posted by WhiteYoshiEgg
Welcome to the site!

Could you post the block code you're getting? That would help a lot. I don't see why it wouldn't act like 1F0 if the code tells it to (unless it's some limitation on block behavior that I've never heard of).

One thing you can try is instead of handling two cases in the code, having the tile act like 1F0 in the Map16 editor, and having the code only change the behavior in the OFF case. (if that makes sense.)

Thanks for the reply! Here is a link to the code I was getting from Blockreator:

I tried your suggestion of making the block act as 1F0 in Map 16 and only setting up a condition for if the switch is OFF and that worked! Thanks for the help again!

Interestingly enough, I also tested the suggestion from MarioFanGamer and had the same results as I was with Blockreator. Here is the code I used from Switch Pack as well if you're interested:
Originally posted by MarioFanGamer
Interestingly, you can't change the act like in a custom block to 0x1F0 which is why my suggestion and probably your first attempt don't work. On the other hand, if the block acts like tile 0x1f0 naturally and the custom block acts like air (WYE's suggestion) then it indeed works.

That’s interesting! I didn’t know that it’s not possible to make a custom block act full as 0x1f0. Are there any other tiles that can’t be simulated in a custom block that you’re aware of?
Hello all!

I am trying to adjust the stun timer for goombas with a hex edit but have it as a level specific patch rather than global. I understand this is doable with UberASM but I can't figure out how to write the code for this.

The code I used to get it work with Asar was simply:

org $01AA29
db #$30

I added the "Init:" to the top and tried to apply this as level asm using UberASM and I get this error:

Negative insert size. Did you change program counter without pushpc/pullpc?

I'm sure I'm missing something simple but I haven't been able to figure it out.
Originally posted by TheBiob
Hex edits change a value in ROM which is Read-Only so you can't change it with uberasm.

Normally I'd recommend using a disassembly but there doesn't seem to be one for the goomba so here's a workaround for uberasm:

	LDX #!sprite_slots-1
-	LDA !14C8,x
	BEQ +
	LDA !9E,x
	CMP #$0F ; goomba sprite number
	BNE +
	LDA !1540,x
	BNE +
	LDA #$30 ; stun timer
	STA !1540,x
+	DEX : BPL -

Thanks for the information! I didn't realize that hex edits weren't possible on a per level basis but that makes sense. Thanks for writing that out for me, I tested and it worked perfectly! I appreciate the comments in case I want to edit the timer as well.
The amount of hacks coming out is insane! I didn't realize the jump that we've seen in the last two years was as dramatic as it is. Thanks also for the shoutout, I am honored to be mentioned here especially among so many other great first hacks this year!