It was last time since October 2020 that i was banned for spam/low-quality threads. But at 2023, Things have changed a lot so as my behavior. I'm honestly scared if i got banned again because i would never appeal once my account got banned for the 2nd time. What should i do to prevent myself from getting banned again? YouTube 1・2・DenviantArt・SoundCloud・GitHub・SERENITY
Originally posted by NopeContest
First thing you should do if you haven't already is familiarize yourself with the site rules. Since you were previously banned for spamming and shown you understood that when you appealed, you should avoid doing that in the future. For a little more elaboration on that, try to make your posts have substance that relates to the threads you are making or replying to. Short or one word posts that don't contribute much to anything should be avoided and be sure that you are posting in appropriate places as well. Provided you are not egregiously violating the rules, the forum moderation team would issue you a warning before outright rebanning you.
Basically just put thought into your actions around here and you'll be fine.
Oh, Okay. I've read the site rules many times but i need to be aware with the forum-specific rules YouTube 1・2・DenviantArt・SoundCloud・GitHub・SERENITY
I've Been Inserting the NSMBWii-Styled Status Bar With Starcoins for my upcoming SMW Romhack, But things start to get weird. The Clock Tile is Missing, The Starcoins don't appear in the status bar after collecting them and there are some weird corrupted graphics when i go to another level. How could i fix that?
I Was making a new HUD For my Hack, But all of the sudden the counters are static and appear to be 0. Although, The Lives Counter is still working on the OW. How Could i fix this?
How did you create the custom HUD? If you're using Smallhacker's tool, you might have accidentally disabled the counter. When using the tool, if you press space, you'll switch to the "counter" mode where you can enable/disable and move the various values displayed on the status bar. Select the counter with Page Up/Down (check the name of the counter in the block of text at the bottom), then use the Insert key to re-enable it.
I Was about to show a proof-of-concept for APA. But, It is put in hold and also Tengri Chronicles (My hack) too YouTube 1・2・DenviantArt・SoundCloud・GitHub・SERENITY