Thanks and all but when I insert I get this. I moved asar into the sa-1 folder and that didn't work. Can you explain please?
I'm trying to work on a rom hack and need help with inserting sa-1. Everytime I try it does this. Any good video tutorials or things I'm missing. So far i tried moving asar into the sa-1 folder
(update:I got it working)
I'm working on a rom hack and for it I need(or at least really want) a smw player version(or at least working) of the Simpsons arcade seymour skinner sprite. I'll give you links for things I want
A hammer bro and slege bro(both) gfx based on these fellas
I would like to have them in my level and as a whole they fit peoples mining or roboitic levels(or maybe even work as a generic enemy look). so yeah can someone do these please? thank you and have a nice day
Basically an smw world style tileset based on the minecart levels of dkc