Where am I supposed to put the AMK files? And do I insert the whole folder or just the .txt?
EDIT: Ok i'm confused now whether this comment should go here or there
Feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
The level itself
EDIT: It works now, it's just you gotta manually paste the link in rather than just clicking it,
Just found a bug that makes the level impossible, there are only two moving platforms at the second half instead of 3, meaning you cannot reach the gray platform. Please fix it soon so I can finish testing it out (this level is so good, seriously!), thanks!
Alright guys, this is kind of urgent, but how do I send .bps files from my filebin? (i'm worried the judges might screw me over cause i directed them to my filebin)
EDIT: Wait a minute, but I have to manually paste it in to get it to download, how do i fix this?
It works now, thank you so much!
I might try making levels around the difficulty of unidimensional and daizo pit of vulldec (you do have to acknowledge they will take at least a day to beat, but it's worth it)
Might even make a short ROM hack having learned most of the s**t from BLDC2, probably with the very hard levels i have in mind
Considering VLDC 8 and 9 got me into SMWCentral in the first place, I started with VLDC 8. It was a big mistake if I say so myself, since the entries were relatively difficult, and I didn't know how to use savestates at the time. It's a compilation hack, meaning it can't be judged. Also I feel a new difficulty called "varying" should be added for compilation hacks.
GG to everyone who participated in this contest!
As for myself, 42/52nd isn't bad, especially for my first contest!
We've all really done well this contest, and may we have our trophies!
Considering I never got to see VLDC 2-6, I'm pretty interested in this!
I might just be jumping into this without understanding, but why are you including the disqualified entries?
Also I see that the main map is unfinished, but the finished maps are pretty good! Great use of colour variety and terrain, might give this a try when it's completely finished.
Speaking of the main map, maybe it could be completely split into two halves? The biomes like desert/beach/mountain/ice could go along the terrain as well.
Looking foward to eventually seeing this done in the future!
My goodness! This looks absolutely wild!
Quick question: How do you know what costs what in the shop?
And what about knowing what items you have?
Honestly one of my favourite BLDC2 levels, amazing gameplay and creativity; good aesthetic variety.
Working on an experimental hack where I can focus on certain things, and learn stuff too.
I hope to have a progressive difficulty curve through the hack, so by the time you reach level 7, it will be very difficult.
Originally posted by AntonioDosGames
My future projects are, finishing my hack, trying to learn ASM so I can get around and do stuff, and do some more drawings.
I've also decided to learn ASM, hope to get it done by CLDC so I can fully show off the power of Assembly. I know there's some tool that lets you make custom blocks with little to no ASM knowledge, so I'll look for that tomorrow.
Also am I the only one hyped for KLDCX this early? Perhaps cause it's a significant milestone for KLDC, or cause I'm enjoying Quickie World 2?
Considering this was the hack of my childhood, it's nice to see this make an exuberant return. And overall, this shows just how much you've improved over the years. With more polished gameplay, and tons of new content, this might just be one of SMWCentral's biggest releases.
Originally posted by DanMario24YT
Working on an experimental hack where I can focus on certain things, and learn stuff too.