The Senate Review
Ok. Long time lurker here but certainly not a noob with SMW hacks.
Level Designs: 10/10. (More like 11/10 really!!) This is where the hack truly shines. Despite the fairly Vanilla look of the levels I was never bored. I like how you have a theme of having different level types in all different worlds (Linear, Aerial, Water types and Cave types where applicable). and not linear-linear-linear grassy or cave-cave-cave... like you'd see in other hacks. You exploited the use of acceleration, placing platforms high enough to need a little bit of running to reach and placed a fair amount of precision jumps and tricky ones having a limited amount of spaces to accelerate in in some cases.
I also like the fair share of puzzle levels adding variety.
I honestly like the lack of the Cape and Yoshi as these just seem to ruin the experience for me. Besides, the cape would be a hindrance with the need of speed in most levels, especially dungeons.
Overall, the levels are genius.
Gameplay: 10/10.
Now for gameplay.
-A reset doors and pipes in case you commit mistakes that's a very good one right there.
-Alternate Bosses. I agree with the noob bosses thing but not that big of a deal.
It's great to have alternate bosses at all than just modifications of the default SMW bosses. If anything I'd say the only real problem was the final boss who was just too easy (got him in my first try) compared to the EPIC Agamemnon boss. That one and his castle was SO good that I really though he was the final boss.

-A continue room with one power up for most levels. This is great as you even took the time to design different rooms for different levels. A huge plus right there.
-The climbing levels are pretty good as well.
-Enemy placement was strategic. You didn't just spam enemies like other hacks would.
-Coin Indicators are a basic for blind jumps but you also used them to mark where fireballs would appear.
-Narration is done ok with segments during dungeon levels. Not bad.
Story: 8/10.: Without spoiling too much, deserves a solid 8 at least for having an alternate story at all than saving the princess.
Music: 10/10. Having different fittin tracks each level.
Now for the
To be honest I don't think you deserve a point deduction penalty for the CONS as these can be fixed if you decide to make a new version.
There are a few spots where Mario goes through the wall and floor most notably in Dragonfruit 3.
Honestly, this felt pretty Kaizo-ish to me. A pretty bit on the unfair side when you get to the cave. You only have one turtle to bounce on to get to the vines and if you're like two pixels off the vine, you won't get to the platform. Also, the top segment is pretty buggy. I fell through the floor and into the lava a few times and the turtle you have to bounce on getting you to the final section of the cave disappears sometimes. It took me like thirty tries getting through this level. Was it a different creator for the last few levels? I expected a repeat door for this segment at least.
-Apple Snowcaps 2 had a block platform that blended with the background. I hit it and fell to my death.
-The bosses thing discussed on top but still on the pro side.
Didn't find the error pointed out with the Dry Bones but I did find that the Agamemnon boss sometimes turns invisible. I don't know if it's my version of ZSNES but it proved to be a huge problem defeating him as I don't know where the lightning would strike next.)
-Melon Mountains 5.
The view on the checkpoint doesn't change when you enter the level. This makes it virtually unplayable if you die after crossign the checkpoint. I died a few times bumping into the Koopa because I couldn't where I was going.
-The biggest problem I'd have to say would be the lack of Ghost Houses and overall opportunities to save. I had to backtrack to the Cherry Caves a few times just to save my game. Maybe at the last world you could provide the player with an option to save after each level because those are very hard.
-Not a huge fan of Blargg but I did notice he was absent througout the whole game?
-At the journey's end level I died after crossing the waypoint and when I started the level, I was redirected to the Spiked Ball boss and when I defeated him the cutscene played.
Will try to provide screens next time. Well done with this hack!