Originally posted by darkguitar4life
Yeah, that OW is good.
Your layout has been removed.
Majora252's Profile → Posts
header lorom org $00D61C ;Jump to Jump Routine JSL Routine ;Jump to Main routine org $108000 ;Freespace Routine: LDA $74 ;Load Climbing Flag BNE NoJump ;Branch to "NoJump" if climbing RTL ;Otherwise, return NoJump: db $EA,$EA ;Change D61C to EA EA to disable jumping RTL ;Return
GEN_EXTRA LDY #$07 ; # of free slot sprites to loop through EXTRA_LOOP LDA $170B,y ;\ BEQ EXTRA_1 ; | DEY ; | loop until a free spot is found, BPL EXTRA_LOOP ; | else return RTS ; / EXTRA_1 LDA #$05 STA $170B,y ; store exsprite # into $170b,y. LDA $E4,x STA $171F,y ; store x low position (to sprite pos) LDA $14E0,x STA $1733,y ; store x high position (to sprite pos) LDA $D8,x STA $1715,y ; store Y low position (to sprite pos) LDA $14D4,x STA $1729,y ; store sprite high position (to sprite pos) LDA #$0A ; y speed = 00 (note: STZ $xxxx,y doesn't STA $173D,y ; exist) LDA #$0A ; x speed. STA $1747,y ; NOTE, index by sprite direction and ; (store left/right speeds) LDA #$FF ; don't know what this does STA $176F,y RTS