MORE...ASM...PROBLEMS!!!! Now the sprite crashes on screen. Help?
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dcb "INIT" RTL dcb "MAIN" PHB PHK PLB JSR SpriteCode PLB RTL SpriteCode: JSR Graphics JSL $01A7DC BCC NoContact LDA #$6C STA $13E0 LDA #$FF STA $1493 LDA #$0B STA $1DFB DEC $13C6 RTS NoContact: RTL ;=================================== ; GRAPHICS ROUTINE HERE ;=================================== Graphics: JSR GET_DRAW_INFO LDA $00 STA $0300,y LDA $01 STA $0301,y PHX LDA $13 AND #$07 TAX LDA TILEMAP,x STA $0302,y PLX LDA #%00000000 ORA $64 STA $0303,y INY INY INY INY LDY #$02 ; This means the tile drawn is 16x16. LDA #$00 ; The number of tiles I wrote - 1. JSL $01B7B3 RTS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; GET_DRAW_INFO ; This is a helper for the graphics routine. It sets off screen flags, and sets up ; variables. It will return with the following: ; ; Y = index to sprite OAM ($300) ; $00 = sprite x position relative to screen boarder ; $01 = sprite y position relative to screen boarder ; ; It is adapted from the subroutine at $03B760 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SPR_T1: db $0C,$1C SPR_T2: db $01,$02 GET_DRAW_INFO: STZ $186C,x ; reset sprite offscreen flag, vertical STZ $15A0,x ; reset sprite offscreen flag, horizontal LDA $E4,x ; \ CMP $1A ; | set horizontal offscreen if necessary LDA $14E0,x ; | SBC $1B ; | BEQ ON_SCREEN_X ; | INC $15A0,x ; / ON_SCREEN_X: LDA $14E0,x ; \ XBA ; | LDA $E4,x ; | REP #$20 ; | SEC ; | SBC $1A ; | mark sprite invalid if far enough off screen CLC ; | ADC #$0040 ; | CMP #$0180 ; | SEP #$20 ; | ROL A ; | AND #$01 ; | STA $15C4,x ; / BNE INVALID ; LDY #$00 ; \ set up loop: LDA $1662,x ; | AND #$20 ; | if not smushed (1662 & 0x20), go through loop twice BEQ ON_SCREEN_LOOP ; | else, go through loop once INY ; / ON_SCREEN_LOOP: LDA $D8,x ; \ CLC ; | set vertical offscreen if necessary ADC SPR_T1,y ; | PHP ; | CMP $1C ; | (vert screen boundry) ROL $00 ; | PLP ; | LDA $14D4,x ; | ADC #$00 ; | LSR $00 ; | SBC $1D ; | BEQ ON_SCREEN_Y ; | LDA $186C,x ; | (vert offscreen) ORA SPR_T2,y ; | STA $186C,x ; | ON_SCREEN_Y: DEY ; | BPL ON_SCREEN_LOOP ; / LDY $15EA,x ; get offset to sprite OAM LDA $E4,x ; \ SEC ; | SBC $1A ; | $00 = sprite x position relative to screen boarder STA $00 ; / LDA $D8,x ; \ SEC ; | SBC $1C ; | $01 = sprite y position relative to screen boarder STA $01 ; / RTS ; return INVALID: PLA ; \ return from *main gfx routine* subroutine... PLA ; | ...(not just this subroutine) RTS ; / TILEMAP: dcb $00,$02,$04,$06.$08,$0A,$0E,$40
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