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Posts by Majora252

Majora252's Profile → Posts

I might sign up for some sprites/blocks/bosses. The sprites and bosses take longer to make then bosses though. And you can always use Iceguys noob boss.
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I don't think so. Your best bet would be to either make a custom boss iggy, or make a door leading to him. You can use reznor in a normal level though, as long as you have the right settings.
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What glitch? Could you please give more detail?
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I think this should be locked to prevent a build up of posts rejecting or aggreeing with the statement.Just a suggestion though.
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I've applied the HDMA kit patch, so we can use it in our hack.
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It looks like you don't have the code to erase itelf.

LDA #$02 ; Replace block with blank tile
This is just a question, but can you load, store, and compare to OW events? The closest I can find is this:

Originally posted by RAM Map

|Address |Length | Type | Description | | | | | |
| $7E:1F02 | 15 bytes | Misc. | Overworld event flags |
Make sure SP3 is at 13. If that doesn't work, maybe something edited your GFX?
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The shatter code is:
LDA #$02 ; Replace block with blank tile
LDA #$02
LDA #$00 ;set to 0 for normal explosion, 1 for rainbow (throw blocks)
JSR $028663 ;breaking effect

So if add it, your new code should be this:

JMP Main : JMP Main : JMP Main : JMP Return : JMP Return : JMP Return : JMP Return

LDA #$02
STA $19
LDA #$02 ; Replace block with blank tile
LDA #$02
LDA #$00 ;set to 0 for normal explosion, 1 for rainbow (throw blocks)
JSR $028663 ;breaking effect


Does anyone know how to change Yoshi's color?
I wonder who created it? At first I thought it was S.N.N., but he said he joined after it was made. Maybe its Techokami, but he hasn't been on the site for years. Any ideas?
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I actualy don't know.. I found it in the code thread.
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How do you convert it? I'm trying to convert it because every time I try to insert GFX into the ROM, this pops up:

Originally posted by Lunar Magic

Graphics Format Warning!

The ExGFX in the ROM are still stored in 3bpp format. If you want to preserve them, you should extract the ExGFX and then reinsert them afterwards so the program can store them as 4bpp as well. Unless for some reason you actually like looking at garbled graphics...

And If I try to insert ExGFX, it says this:
Originally posted by Lunar Magic

Graphics Format Warning!

The GFX in the ROM are still stored in 3bpp format. If you want to preserve them, you should extract the GFX and then reinsert them afterwards so the program can store them as 4bpp as well. Unless for some reason you actually like looking at garbled graphics...

I tried extracting them and reinserting, but it says the exact same thing every time.
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He never goes on the site anymore.. You could unpromote him.
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This is really useful. I vote for sticky, just like everyone else has.
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I already did that before. And nothing happened.
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