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Posts by Majora252

Majora252's Profile → Posts

Thanks guys. I'll try that.

Yes, the Graphics and ExGraphics folders have to be in the same folder as your ROM.
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Some time tomorrow I'll add a new section in the tutorial about how to draw sprites. Then later, I might do another section on font converter.
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Try making the palletes look correct in yy-chr. To do that, make a Zsnes save state while playing as Mario (not in the overworld). Then go to the mario poses in yy-chr and load the zst file. Scroll down the colors untill mario appears like he is in the game. now you can edit the pose to get the palete right.
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OK, I deleted the message box. Also, unfortunatley, Yanama's computer was fried so he can no longer work on the OW =(
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I'm trying to make an Airman boss, but I'm running into problems. Every time I try to insert it an error comes up. When I check in temp.log, it says "Branch out of range". I jump to that line and it's a blank space or a jump (JSR or JSL). I've tried moving the code it jumps to closer, and jumping to another code right beneath the one out of range, and the code I jump to jumps to the other one. But nothings working. I'd like it if someone could fix it. Also, I'd like someone to comment on ot for me, but no one has to.



I have provided a download link, but you are NOT allowed to use this in your hack without my permission. If someone finds this, than please PM me, and if you are a mod/admin, then please PM me and do something about it. If you do help me, than you might be able to use though. Thanks.

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This hack looks great so far. Will you be releasing some things from it at all (like the improved M&L Bowser's Inside Story Finale Boss)?
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I'm going as Link. Really though, the only reason I go out for halloween is for the food.
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Looks great! I can't wsit till the demo. And I promise to write a review!
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Question. Will our names go back to normal after October, or do we have to change them back ourselves?
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Ghoma from OoT. It can hurt and kill you, so I consider it an actual boss. But I can beat it in 2 seconds flat. Just do this:
1. Hit it with a deku nut.
2.Hit it with a jump attack from a deku stick.
3. Crouch stab untill it's dead.
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This is just a simple tutorial for playing (SNES) ROM hacks on your wii.

First off, you must have the Homebrew Channel installed.

If you have your wii connected to the internet, than you should use this way.

Otherwise, use this way. Part two of video: link

Once that's done, install the "Homebrew Browser" app. Video

Now load up the homebrew browser, go to "Emulators" and download "Snes9x".

When that's finished downloading, put your SD card back in your computer. Patch the hack you want to play to a clean ROM (if it's a smw hack, patch it to a clean SMW rom, if its a YI hack, patch it to a clean YI ROM, and so on).

Now copy the patched ROM onto your SD card. Now go back to your wii, load up homebrew, and then "Snes9x". When your selecting the ROM to play, choose the hack. Now when you start the game, it'll be the hack!!

If you have any questions or problems, don't hesitate to post them here.
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How's my thing going? It has 13 downloads, so one of you guys is probably working on it.
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Will we have to reregister or will our accounts automaticly be remade?
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This is the smoke code:

	LDA #$10	;Sound Effect
	STA $1DF9
	PHY		;preserve map16 high
	LDA $7F                   
        ORA $81                   
        BNE Return
        LDY.B #$03		; \ Find free sprite effect slot 
        LDA.W $17C0,Y		;  | 
        BEQ CreateGlitter	;  | Branch if one found 
        DEY                     ;  | 
        BPL LoopStart           ; / 

	LDA #$01           	;01 for Smoke     
        STA $17C0,Y             
        LDA $9A                   
        AND #$F0                
        STA $17C8,Y             
        LDA $98                   
        AND #$F0                
        STA $17C4,Y             
        LDA $1933               
        BEQ ADDR_00FD97           
        LDA $9A                   
        SBC $26                   
        AND #$F0                
        STA $17C8,Y             
        LDA $98                   
        SBC $28                   
        AND #$F0                
        STA $17C4,Y             
        LDA #$19                
        STA $17CC,Y                            

	LDA #$02	;erase self
	STA $9C
	JSL $00BEB0	;generate blank block

	PLY		;restore map16 high 

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Originally posted by Der Wixxer
I have to get homebrew on my Wii again :<
I still have system version 4.1, will it work with that too?

It should work, but you should downgrade your wii to version 3.2 first, just to be safe. That's what I did.
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