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Posts by JeRRy86

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i am making my first SMW ROM hack, but i cannot find donut land. i've already searched for it for hours. thanks for help :D


I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

aah thx for that.

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

can somebody tell me where i can find a speed-up block for an automatic level?

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

could someone make a sprite enemy that has the exact y of mario and can only be killed by running at full speed?

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

i am making a custom block, wich lets you jump automatically on contact. but when i touch the block in SMW, i get a black screen with a random sound.
my code is this:

;let mario jump on contact

JMP Mario : JMP Mario : JMP Mario : JMP Return : JMP Return : JMP Return : JMP Return

	JSL $00D65E	;jump (i got the address from the ROM map)

i think i made a stupid mistake =P

btw: i use Blocktool Super Deluxe

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

applying a patch? with what tool?
sorry i never patched a code to my roms :P

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

ok i done everyting now, but it only plays the jump sound and if i make the block walk-thru it goes down slowly. help? maybe its the address?

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

YEAH! thanks! that worked!

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

how can i create 3 p-switches that change the level palettes and when you pressed them all, you won the level?
(hint: i want this for my super grey world :) )

edit: and changing the OW level tile to the normal, yellow dot when you win?

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

how can i let a subroutine(for the instance, kill mario) happen, when an enemy touches my custom block?

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

quick question, how can i create a custom bg?
so not with the SMW tiles but really create your own?
i've been looking for this in the GFX but i found nothing.


I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

hey i suck in custom sprites, but i wanna make 2 sprites.
a upwards spike that wraps vertically when outside room, and moves with speed 65 upwards.
and a rightwards wich wrapos horizonbtally when off screen and moves at 65 speed too

offscreen, i mean off the viewable part of the level.

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

ok so this is what i understood of iceyoshi's sprite programming tutorial, when just killing mario on contact.

dcb "INIT"
RTL ;Return

dcb "MAIN"
JSL $01A7DC ;\
BCC NotTouchingMario ;/Go to NotTouchingMario when not touching Mario
JSL $00F606 ;Kill

RTS ;Return when no contact.

so thats the base you asked?

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

yea i tought i failed :P

dcb "INIT"
RTL                     ;Return

dcb "MAIN"
JSL $01A7DC             ;\
BCC NotTouchingMario    ;/Go to NotTouchingMario when not touching Mario
JSL $00F606	        ;Kill

RTL                     ;Return when no contact.

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

ok, i saw something lately, don't know if it's already known, but in the tip of Level 24, the link to SMWiki says that the SMWiki documant doesn't exist.

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

DAMN i had that idea too lol!
dammit! well i liker more ppl had the same idea. i tought i was the only one! nice anyway lolk

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.


I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

i cannot post in 'beta testers needed' for some reason :S

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.

nope. still the same. :(

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.
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