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Posts by Ice Man

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Alright, let me explain the code

org $00A233		;\write the JSL and 11 NOPs
jsl Paused		;| to $00A233 (SNES format)
nop #11			;/

org $2FB000		;| write the code below to this address

db "STAR"			;\ RATS to prevent other programs
dw $0080, $FF7F 	;/ to overwrite this

lda $13D4  			;\ Load pause flag
bne notPause		;| If no pause, go to notPause
beq Pause			;/ If pause, go to Pause

lda #$00			;\ Tell the game that
sta $13D4 			;| it's not paused
lda #$45    		;| and play pause effect
sta $1dfc			;/ when returning back from the pause

lda #$01			;\ Tell the game that
sta $13d4			;| it's paused
lda #$45    		;| and play pause effect
sta $1dfc			;| when pausing the game
lda #$02			;| also give Mario
sta $19				;/ a cape

If you compare something with zero you can completely get rid of CMP as it will do it automatically i.e.

LDA $19
CMP #$00
BEQ Code

is the same as:
LDA $19
BEQ Code

Also, the org is neccesary to rewrite the pause code and jump from there to your code.
And for NOPs, you just have to know how long a routine is and what you really need from it i.e.

LDA $16
AND #$08
BNE Code

LDA #$02
STA $19

in HEX: A5 16 29 08 D0 CodeOffset 6B A9 02 8D 19 6B
So you can basically rewrite it to 22 xx xx xx 6B EA EA EA EA EA EA

xx xx xx is your code's location in SNES format and little endian (reversed)
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Supertails, you know, just remove the comma after y10 and you're fine, lol.
You better start of with custom blocks first before doing any massive changes or something.

HDMA in work again =D

Disregard the palette/glitches, this is just to show off, that it's possible to get the sprites in the FG without using d4s' HDMA or changing their routine. Big thanks to Carol for helping me with this.
You probably edited your ROM in at x1A0200. Cause it works perfectly fine for me. Already have 90+ songs or so. ^_^

Carol, your english is really good, no need to be ashamed.
Hehehe, you're not the only one encountering this problem. It's in my HDMA effects, too. :P Must be register $2100, since BMF's also uses it. >_>
Also, is that a color or did you change the brightness on these scanlines? Aaaaand, you will also notice priority problems sooner or later. xP

Anyway, small update on my HDMA again, xP.

You can change the fade out color of the fog via background color in LM. D:
I might make the fog a bit darker, the below and upper part blend too much in my opinion, ah well.
Also, there is one problem now, but I think that can be fixed, too. When you use the fog effect, all sprites will be in front of layer 1, even if you set priority on...I can change it, but then it would affect the sprites as well and make them go behind the BG again, stupid priority. >_<

NOTE: Known sprites affected are:
Piranha Plants
Wooden Spikes
Climbing Net Koopas
Torpedo Teds
Originally posted by Carlos182

Is that pipe working???...

Mario having a little fun ^^

You should fix the pipe's bottom in the first screenshot and either remove or move the cement blocks down in the second one.
Other than that, looks nice.

Tag (div) was not closed.
Tag (div) was not closed.
/me wants a demo, NOW! D:
Looking really cool and the story seems really fun as well. Keep it up!
Can you post your requests somehwere else? He clearly said no requests or whatever. >_>

Anyway, back on topic.
Really nice work there. Though the only real sprite I'd like to see is the Fire Snake.
Afaik, it was on layer 3, otherwise you will need to set the scanline to start scrolling from, when Mario moves using RAM address $1464 and $1465 for layer 1 and $1466 anf $1467 for layer 2. I will mess around with it later anyway. =p
Can I already submit a OW? =P
It's not a real problem, just save a level with LM afterwards and it should be gone.
EDIT: Dead Link removed.

It removes the Nintendo Logo from d4s' HDMA, but I'm not really sure, if it works on hacked ROMs.
I'd like to request the tilemap of the message background when hitting a message box. There is a border around it and I want to get rid of it or change it. >_>
I suppose it's level 105. I had the same problem where Mario would just die in that level. Either avoid using water in that level or use another level.
I really would love to have this Musical Nebula background to do some nice effects with it. *drools*
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