Black Yoshi, that can only be fixed while redoing the status bar. There is no other way, unfortunately.
Carsr4carpeople1, it works with any ROM that has approx. 16400 bytes of free space, since it's Xkas and you can change the location to your desire.
I'm Nintendo Logo obsessed. T_T
EDIT: Images removed because of dead links.
Nice work, though I was faster, xD.
Reminds me, I need to add some transparency to my spotlight as well.
Also, FirePhoenix, I used the Famicom logo just as an example. It uses layer 3 btw, since sprites max. size is 64x64 already.
You don't need Translhextion at all. Just edit tables.tbl file and edit the text to the level you want. I've already named it $00-$FF for level 00-FF and the next ones for 100-1FF. It's even documented, afaik.
This time it's not HDMA related, but another cool thing I made.
EDIT: Images removed because of dead links.
Guess what this is, xD.
{9}, the level scrolls and Mario is in te car driving it. He can only jump but not spin jump and drive back.
Carlos182, it would be kind of hard to add more graphics for Mario, I think. I will try it though. Also, if you meant the car, that's not the final result.
DaKing, it's not a power-up and it will go up slopes later. I only coded the basic stuff for now.
Nope, it isn't.
Dotsarecool, he doesn't crash yet, but that should be easy to do.
Aqualakitu, I randomly came up with that idea for a timing race. Pass the level on a certain amount of time and you can go on, otherwise try again. I totally didn't even think of Brutal Mario and the Haunted Hall at that time.
EDIT: Something I pulled out while being bored. xD
EDIT: Video removed because of dead link.
It's included in Sprite Tool.
Yes, first of all you will need to write a 1 to 7FFF0F to enable it though.
LDA #$01
then followed by your code
LDA #$letter
LDA #$letter2
I noticed later that $7FFF0F was used twice. First to enable it and secondly to display the letter, though I haven't found any bugs while testing. It all worked fine for me. Otherwise change this line in levelnames.asm:
LDA $7FFF0F ;\ Load levelnames table
to some free RAM address you want to use to enable it.
Frage, ist das ein vertikales Level? Du kannst die BG-Position auch bei den Secondary Entrances auf C0 stellen, falls es ein horizontales Level ist. ;)
Aiyo, it was easy for now, but doing it a sprite will be a bit harder for me, since I barely know sprite creation.
Dinomar, when using Sprites I do not need ExAnimation, otherwise it would work fine.
Ersan, sorry about the embed, I totally forgot about it. Won't happen again.
Hm, that's weird. It works fine for me with all levels. PM me about the steps you did and we shall find a solution for this.
His colors are hardcoded and cannot be edited with these programs, though you can jump to x18A82 and change 01 to one of these:
03, 05, 07, 09, 0B, 0D, 0F
Do you use d4s' HDMA in your hack?
Awesome! I didn't except you to translate it that fast. Great work as always.
I've had this bug with the original Yoshi Coin as well and I think I was able to fix it by moving the Coin into another screen. Not really sure though.
Lol, those things only happen to me when I screw my ROM up, XD.
Anyway, new video.
EDIT: Video removed because of dead link.
EDIT: Dead Link removed.
You first need to draw your new graphics into a bin file and it has to be on the very top left of the file. Then load it on the site and change the settings like you want them to be.