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Posts by Ice Man

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This is the HDMA from Carol or probably another Japanese ASM hacker. They use RAM address $7FFBxx while BMF's HDMA version is using $7FFFxx. You will need to edit BMF's HDMA version.
I think there is a micro goomba in the sprite section. All you basically would need to do is set the jump height when Mario is touching it, if it doesn't kill you, of course. :P
The intro level. On the overworld it's level 1C5 while it's C5 on the submap, afaik.
DMA is "Direct Memory Access" allowing you to transfer data within the CPU faster, if I'm not wrong.

For using and loading ExGFX without chosing an ExGFX file you will need to copy them into VRAM and load them from there.
Also, H-DMA is also Direct Memory Access but for horizontal effects, like scanlines, color gradients, wave effects and all the neat stuff.

Here is a quick example for DMA transfers:

   LDX #TILEOFFSET;Source Offset into source bank
   STX $4302      ;Set Source address lower 16-bits
   LDA #TILEBANK  ;Source bank
   STA $4304      ;Set Source address upper 8-bits
   LDX #TILESIZE  ;# of bytes to copy (16k)
   STX $4305      ;Set DMA transfer size
   LDA #$18       ;$2118 is the destination, so
   STA $4301      ;  set lower 8-bits of destination to $18
   LDA #$01       ;Set DMA transfer mode: auto address increment
   STA $4300      ;  using write mode 1 (meaning write a word to $2118/$2119)
   LDA #$01       ;The registers we've been setting are for channel 0
   STA $420B      ;  so Start DMA transfer on channel 0 (LSB of $420B)
Meh, here is something I am working on. It's a life bar that checks if Mario has a mushroom, if he does, it will decrease. The final use of this will be a secret, I just made it a mushroom just to show how it works. :P

EDIT: Video removed because of dead link.
Yea, as I said, it was just a show-off how it will work. The mushroom was just an example. Basically I could create a new sprite or use the old poison mushroom and make Mario die slower unless he finds the anti-poison item, which will restore it or something, xD.
Or you know, start at screen 1F and it should work fine, since it can't scroll to the right anymore. :P
You could always check for Mario's pose, eventhough I don't know which value it is for Lakitu's Cloud.

It would be something like
BNE Return
LDA $13E0
CMP #$Pose
BEQ Code
LDA #$30
STA $1693
LDY #$01

LDA #$01

Hm, bei den Hammer Bros. kann ich mir nur vorstellen, dass du die tilemap in der .asm Datei ändern musst. Welche ExGFX hast du denn dazu runtergeladen? Dann könnte ich dir mehr helfen.
Ne, Hammer Bros. kommmen immer in SP3. SP4 ist für Sledge Bro, Giant Koopa/Spiny/Goomba/Piranha und andere Sprites, aber die Bros. wie z.B. Boomerang, Fire, Hammer, Shell kommen in SP3^^
Da haben wa es. :P Cory's Tutorial is wohl anders, weil wenn du in Sprite Tool's "tilemap" Ordner guckst, siehst du das hier:

hammer_bros (SP3).bin^^
I think there was no .bin file in Sprite Tool for it.
Or do something like:

LDA #$05
STA $1504,x

then somehwere in the code check if Mario hits the Goomba and:

LDA $1504,x
SBC #$01
STA $1504,x
BEQ MarioWin

STA $1493

Also $C2,x might work as well, seeing as it can be used as a counter/timer as well.
Yep, unfortunately you can only edit the Credits, not the sequences/graphics itself. :(
Lucas, what about the scrolling text? =) You will need to have a vertical-scroll in your hack as well to make it work properly. :P
New Ending =D

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
So you want the the text to scroll horizontal? Looks ugly, trust me.
I prefer the text scrolling down instead of right or left. :P

Dinomar, what I did was just some simple scrolling changes and teleport blocks.
Originally posted by HyperBuu
Nice ending, really nice! Assuming you're using the Lady Bow from Carol, it would be a shame because I don't want to fight her a fifth time. xD

No really, it would be kind of boring. Can't you make a new ending boss? :/
Who said the boss is going to be the same? o.O
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