I think it would have to be made as an extended object so that it disappears once it has been pressed, plus it would have to be a 32x32 block which would be tough to make.
Why can't you use the original switch out of curiosity?
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/p/39CD34599A347627&hl=en_GB&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/p/39CD34599A347627&hl=en_GB&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="385" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
This is my first entry for level 4 (I think) which I call "Chuck Cliffs". Its a little difficult for an early level but its my first level I've submitted and I'm quit proud of how it turned out.
There are 3 exits (2 secret exits) so I may change the first message box to say secret exit instead of second exit.
Yes they activate the same event. Its just for the sake of completion.
I suppose one way of making it easier would be to add a star so that you can just pummel through the chucks if you wanted to. I may also have to remove/change a few enemies due to slowdown.
It is a little less grassy because the overworld tile for this level is on of them rocky ones.
Thanks everyone! That was my first level that I submitted to the site too!
Originally posted by wrathofblade
That would work, except I want there to be vertical scrolling, too (guess I should have specified).
I think he means like in the first castle.
Don't forget to set what page of background GFX its using (Level -> Change background Map16 page).
Don't forget to apply dsx.asm
And thats a well good level
Originally posted by Wiimeiser
I never even heard of Objectool. What does it do?
Creates extended objects
When I tried to insert a block with BTSD (I have inserted blocks previously and it worked fine) and when I try to insert a few simple blocks and I get an error message saying that the block doesn't exist! I assume the asm path is typed in correctly and the blocks are coded properly (although that wouldn't affect the fact that they don't exist). Could anybody please help me?
And normally they indicate where to put the freespace at the top with something that says !FREESPACE = _______ ; change this number
Ah I think I've just realised, I forgot to put .asm at the end of the file mega fail.
Or use a vine that is necessary to use to get in the cave so that yoshi cannot get in.
You could also download spritetool and use the one there if your struggling.
It may look glitchy in Lunar Magic but it will be fine in the emulator.
Would that also mean that you move as well so that you dont freeze while everything else moves?
Put the lava as layer 1, put the rest of the level as layer 2 and use the "Layer 2 fall" sprite.