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Posts by 6646

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Kaijyuu: Pitch assignment is wrong.

o3 $E5 $80 $03 ; Sample number (80+SCRN) and pitch(@0/2)
$ED $2F $E0
$EE $F0

Reference: SMW original pitches
@0 ... 0x06
@1 ... 0x03
@2 ... 0x04
@3 ... 0x03
@4 ... 0x03
@5 ... 0x07
@6 ... 0x03
@7 ... 0x03
@8 ... 0x1E
@9 ... 0x02
@10 ... 0x08
@11 ... 0x03
@12 ... 0x04
@13 ... 0x03
@14 ... 0x07
@15 ... 0x03
@16 ... 0x03
@17 ... 0x05
@18 ... 0x03
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I ported music from Megaman.
Megaman - Boss

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Originally posted by smkdan
This is a repackaging of some optimized samples into a .bnk file, taken from ath_fami.bnk.

Free space in original: $0FD6 bytes
Free space in this one: $24B8 bytes

They pretty much sound the same, it's just the extensive (almost) silent bits at the end of the samples have been cut. This Audacity picture explains everything. Should be of use to anyone who is low on sample space since over 5000 bytes of free space are added with this.

I made new bank file.

Free space in this one: $4129 bytes

I hope become help of the music making.

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I updated optimized bank file.
This is more light, and more natural, I think.

Free space in this one: $489A bytes

This is a bank sample.

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だれも いないよ
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Originally posted by Masashi27

おわおわさーん、エンベロープをgainで指定する方法を教えて下さい ;-;
"Plok! - Rocket Launcher"をmml化したいのでー...


XX = 80-FF
?? = 00-7F etc...

$ED$80$60 ;<- GAIN=60(Direct)

Addmusic by Perl と AddmusicM は、これで指定できます。


$ED$80$X5$?? ; <- ?? = 80-FF(GAIN MODE), X=CHANNEL NUM
$ED$80$X6$?? ; <- ?? = 00-7F etc..., X=CHANNEL NUM


EDIT: やっぱりAddmusic4だと $ED$XX$YY XXが負数(0x80以上)で別なコマンドになっちゃうみたいです。
$ED$80$X5$?? ; <- ?? = 80-FF(GAIN MODE), X=CHANNEL NUM
$ED$80$X6$?? ; <- ?? = 00-7F etc..., X=CHANNEL NUM

$ED$00$?? ; <- ? = 00-7F etc..., X=Channel Number
$ED$80$X5$?? ; <- ?? = 80-FF(GAIN MODE)

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(It is troublesome to write in English ...)

1. Tengu Man (8-bit ver.)

2. Riverside

3. Battle- Destruction Begets Decay
ノイズchのゴッカッゴッカッ キック音はもうちと音短く、或いはもう1段階周波数高くても良いかとおもた。

4. Stage1: Beginning

5. Heart of Fire

6. Evergrande City

7. I Am a Powerful Ally / Now, Full of Power

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Music portしたい気力は完全に失われましたわ……。
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Originally posted by zipper


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Originally posted by Big Brawler
Well, this is my first time requesting

Song : Ice Cave Chant
Addmusic : K
Sampled : Yes

Comment : Good for ice caverns and slippery levels

Here you are.
But it is optimized only roughly...
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Originally posted by MV250
New Port!

It's the Spinach Rag music from Final Fantasy 6, including the unsampled version and the sampled version. The instrumental for the unsampled is the best I can get with Super Mario World instruments.

Whoo! Nice port.

Originally posted by MV250

2. Weird click-like noise when the song loops. Even though the note lengths are all the same.

For example, put following note at at the end of all channels.

You might be able to know which channel is the problem.
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My ports list. (よくあるやつですね。)
Other ports, refer SPC Festival page...( entry name : 757, file name is "spc_fesX.*" ), or my web.

NEW ... New File.
UP ... File updated.
FIX ... Fix anything. (Please refer to Remarks)

[Addmusic compatible]
x or ? ... Can't use or unknown music for specified Addmusic.
o ... Compatible specified Addmusic, or I have compatible txt file.

Edit : 2016/06/01
sts Name Sampled am amm amk Remarks
--- OLDER ---
Romancing SaGa - The Conflict No o o o my first port(2007)
Romancing SaGa - Beat of the Devil & Coup de Grace No o o o
Romancing SaGa3 - Boundaries No o o o used mix4
Romancing SaGa3 - The Last Battle No o o o used mix4
Romancing SaGa3 - Sorrow No o o o used mix4
Romancing SaGa2 - Last Battle No o o o used mix4
FIX Final Fantasy Adventure - Endress Battlefield No o o o 6/2 wrong link... fixed.
Super Mario RPG - The Starlight's Flower No o o o
Kirby's Dream Land - Boss No o o o
Donkey Kong Country - Lost Life No o o ?
SaGa Frontier - The Opening of Journey No o o o
Super Mario Kart - Mario Circuit No o o o too lazy.
Mega Man - Boss No o o o
Super Mario World Arrange - High tention Athrethic Yes o o x my first music with SMWS.
Romancing SaGa3 - Boundaries(Sampled Ver.) Yes o o x used mix5.
Super Mario Bros. - [A variety of music] Yes o o x used mix5.
Super Mario Bros. 3 - [A variety of music] Yes o o x used mix5.
Yoshi's Island - Athretic No o o x used mix5.
Donkey Kong Country 2 - In a Snow-Bound Land No o o x used mix5.
Pokemon - [mix5 selection] Yes o o x used mix5.
Final Fantasy Adventure - Last Battle Yes o o x used mix5.
Final Fantasy Adventure - Battle2 Yes o o x
Ys Origin - SILENT DESERT Yes o o x From this work, Make the sample on your own from wav.
Pokemon Heart Gold & Soul Silver - Battle! Gym Leader!(Jhoto) Yes x o x
Swoad of Mana - Fighting Arena No o o o
Turkish March Yes x o x Piano sonata.
Super Mario Land 3 : Wario Land - Train Theme Yes x o o
Romancing SaGa - Horrible Shadow Yes x x o
Banjo-Kazooie - Spiral Mountain Yes x o o
Final Fantasy IV - Main Theme Yes x x o
NEW Donkey Kong Country - Ice Cave Chant Yes x x o
NEW Hundred Chain(Melty Blood Arrange) Yes x x o
--- NEWER ---

I don't accept the individual request.
Please do not reply requests.

enjoy ~~ #w{:>}
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Originally posted by Sinc-X
Whoa, you finished Hundred Chain?? I remember hearing a really early unfinished version a long time ago and being super disappointed that it wasn't finished, but this lives up to everything I could ever hope it to be. Excellent!

I'm surprised that you know unfinished file.
I'm also glad to finished this work.

Originally posted by Skewer
Are you seriously 757?! Dude man, you're legendary in the porting community. I love your ports! I listened to Hundred Chain earlier this morning and it blew me away. Excellent work. As for all your other songs, as expected, In a Snow-bound Land will always be one of my favorites. And that SILENT DESERT is a personal treasure (to listen to) in and of itself.

I hope to visit this thread a lot more to leave comments!

Yes, I'm 757.#w{=3}
Thank you for what you like my SPC. I'm so glad.#wario{:'(}
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Originally posted by tcdw
I just surprised you are still alive.

I love your SPCs so much, and goes into my private SPC collection.

I also lile your SPC#w{=3}. For example, Mushishi - Makuranokouji.spc.

Originally posted by Wakana
I'm so jealous, everything you have here is magnificent.
That last SPC in particular, it's so good.

It is not great as your file.
I was surprised when the C3.
It became an opportunity that I work again.

Originally posted by amhunter
Awesome to see you here at SMWC, 757! Your ports are astronomical and inspire me in some strange way. I hope to see more from you at this thread, otherwise, welcome to SMWC.

That Hundred Chain, damn, I have to say, it's intense. Awesome job.

Thank you ~~ #w{:>}

Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von this can't be real.

Listens to the port of Romancing Saga 3 - The Last Battle

Dude! I'm a huge fan of your ports, especially considering your older ports still hold up today! I'm just surprised you showed up to the english community, never mind sharing them! Your newest ports also took me by surprise because I thought you were someone else and they are impressive, especially Hundred Chain. I think my favourites from your selection are the Final Fantasy Adventures Last Battle, Battle2, RS2&3 - Last Battle, RS3 - Boundaries, SOA - Fighting Arena, and Hundred Chain.... but all of them are practically on my tops.

Welcome to the central, 757!

Thank you ~~ #w{:>}

(Because English is not proud, I cannot say that I did not come here no matter what so far.)
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Originally posted by mallowking
Sonic Adventure 2: City Escape

TMNT 2 the arcade game (Nes): Boss Battle

Read the rule.
Originally posted by Todd
d) ONLY make one request at a time! This is to prevent an overload on the porting community.

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Originally posted by Wakana

Do you know this proverb?
"Little and often fills the purse".

(Do you not ask such a thing?)

But, I don't continue this.
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