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Posts by HuFlungDu

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Originally posted by blueleader
Maybe, using level ASM, switch graphics in a level.

Example: You´ve just passed a level that was the interior of a moon base, and mario had his normal graphics, but the next level, is now the outer space, thus mario has now an astronaut suit!

I´ve thought of this for a long time, but now i think it´s possible with Level ASM, or what do you think?

actually, you could just use the MarioExGfx patch... probably a lot easier, doesn't even need level ASM since you already change it based on level.
So far I've been able to find consecutive enemies stomped address, but that is ONLY for stomped enemies, and doesn't work if you, say, kick shells at somebody. I'm attempting to get rid of all score multiplying, and I've done it for stomped enemies, but it doesn't work if you kick enemies.

tl;dr/simplified: Where is the RAM address for consecutive enemies killed by a shell? Or has one been found yet?
I liked this demo. It is honestly the only hack (besides Kaizo Mario) that I played all the way through. Admittedly the only reason I played it was because I saw wall jump and wanted to see if someone had used my patch or if it was just blocks (I'm narcissistic that way). Did you use the Wall jump available on the site or did you make your own? Either way, you seem to have the same glitch in it that I have, which I could post here if you wanted me to, though I'm not going to now since I know no way of fixing it and most people wouldn't even notice it.
Anyways, there was a few things I noticed that I'll post here so you can see them.

Just a minor thing, but i've seen a lot in hack removal log about bottom row tiles where you can't see them. Not a problem to me, but some people might...
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Erm... this kinda appeared to be on purpose, but did you want the player to be able to float like this?
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yeah... I jumped on a bunch of those red Pirhana plants and this happened, though I can't for the life of me think of why...
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Weird black tiles when the events happen.
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That's pretty much all I saw that was wrong with it, beyond all those things this was actually a very fun hack.

As I said before, if you want me to post the glitch with the wall jumping here I can, but if you don't want anybody else to see it (as I kinda don't) PM me and I'll send you the glitch.
Originally posted by Ilianya Shaikanemai
You think that's bad, take a look at where the dynamic sprite patch places its GFX: $7F0B44, which isn't even listed as free in the RAM map. What does it mean, though? It means that if you add even one extra event tile to the Layer 2 event tile pages in Lunar Magic's overworld editor, it will conflict. Also, why the poop do several patches—LevelNames, for example—use RAM in the $7FFF-- range as free space? That space is NOT free; it's part of the level's Map16 data, so it will mess up part of the last screen or two if you use it. But really, now, why the heck would you use $7FFFF0, $7F0B44, or something when there are, errr...shoot, of all numbers, why did there have to be nine thousand ninety-three bytes of free RAM at $7F9C7B?...when there are thousands of bytes of completely unused RAM that would work a lot better? Personally, I'm moving the space in my copy of dsx.asm to $7FB800 instead. I never use anything in the $0660-$067F range before about $0666, either; there are quite a few patches that use that space at the beginning. Most of the free RAM that I use is in the $7F8183 range.

hehe, I use 7FA000 or above, just because there is so much free RAM there and I need a lot of it.
yes, that is the problem. Actually, that won't work since the can walljump RAM is only set once about every 3 frames when you are against a wall (it's the way the blocked status works... i dunno...), so if you set it to zero every frame, it will only let you wall jump 1/3rd of the time (trust me, I worked on this for a very long time...), though if you think you can figure it out that would be great if you would let me know.

By The Way: I'm very happy to see someone use my patch so well, I really loved this hack.
Some of the patches hijack the same RAM or ROM, and also, if you didn't set freespace, some of them will write the patch somewhere that isn't free, need to know exactly which patches you used to know for sure though.
Gfx28 and Gfx29. it's in 2BPP format though, so instead of switching to snes, switch to GB.
well, since 13CC is how many coins are to be added, and I believe it adds them all one at a time, rather than all at once, the wallet effect should still keep the coins from rolling over.
Originally posted by Custom Music Tutorial
It is important to note that when porting music, your song file CANNOT exceed 8 channels.

You have it set to channel ten, which you can't do. Channels that can be used are 0-7 (though 4, 6 and 7 will be overwritten by sound effects) Start at channel #0, then work your way up.
I've made a patch that changes the 1 or 2 player select screen into a Mario or Luigi select screen, so if you choose Luigi, you will just be Luigi in a single player game. The only problem I'm having is changing Luigi's controls to work off Mario's controls. I have it kinda working by setting $ADA0 to #$00 all the time on the OW, but after I activate an event, it changes the player back to Mario and disallows him from following any of the new paths. so anyways, is there any better way of changing Luigi to use Mario's controls?
Nevermind, that wasn't the problem.
Why did you go up to 7? you only have enough tracks for 0-6... also, did you maybe have a space between you pound sign and the track number?
# That is a pound sign (if you're on a phone). Setting up channel number is done by making #0. By any chance did you change the number after the @ sign? That's instrument number, not channel number.
I'm pretty sure they keep their same values at level end (except for the ones that say they are cleared at level end), I use them like that with no problems at all... Possibly you're using RAM addresses that are free on a clean ROM, but not on a LM hacked one, but you would probably think of that... best you could do would be to use Snes debugger and see when and where a value is stored to those RAM addresses then track down the offending code and neutralize it correctly... (or try changing the RAM address you hijack...)
Did you try putting xkas in the folder with Block tool, instead of the ASM folder? cuz that's where it needs to be.
no, you said
Originally posted by Chachii
I have it in the .asm folder, but I don't know what's wrong.
xkas should not be in the asm folder, but in the same directory as Blocktool.
Trying to use the get random numbers routine by JSLing to $01ACF9 then loading $148B for comparison. problem is, I always get the exact same number back. I've tried loading $148C and not loading anything at all, just comparing (also tried CPX and CPY) but it still always returns the same number. So I guess my question is... why? And how would I fix this.
here is the basic style of what my code looks like:
Originally posted by code
LDA $148B
CMP #$3F
BCS NotOne
I had this same question a while back. the samples really aren't inserted at a different pitch than they are in the wav, the test sound is set at about 800 herz, so it sounds different. I found that samples should be inserted at a A#5 note (932.5 hertz). No idea about the insert looped button though since I've never used that.
Originally posted by Kaijyuu

Yeah... all those things are constants when this goes off as well... (except for maybe scratch RAM). anyways, I realize th thing about computers not having real random numbers, and I guess the snes doesn't really have a good seed value to work from for making a random number.

Edit: no, that doesn't work IceGuy, gives me a new value, but it's still the same value every time. Looks like I'm going to have to create my own seed value that will work with this.
Ok, this has kinda become like my personal ASM showoff thread but whatever, I promise this will all be used in my hack.

Anyways, this is my latest creation
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
This is a random level generator (though it currently leads to four levels that I haven't yet changed)
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