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Posts by HuFlungDu

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the best way to make it destroy a bridge would be to make bloks that will shatter when a certain RAM address is set, then have the axe set the RAM address. Just take the Shattering block codes and add a conditional that checks if the RAM address is set. If it is, shatter, if not, return. not sure about the smoke thing though...
Because you RTS at the end rather than RTL
just a quick question here, how many bytes does a RAT tag take up?
first, make sure you have Luigi.Bin and Mario.Bin in the same folder as your ROM and XKAS then:
1. Open in Lunar Magic
2. Press the red mushroom in the tool bar
3. Press the Blue mushroom in the tool bar
4. press the green mushroom
5. press the yellow mushroom
6. apply the patch
7. test

Also, Don't change that address that it says to if you don't use ExGfx, because it makes the game not work correctly (don't know why but thats how it works for me).

to make them not appear when you jump on an enemy, open up GFX00 and remove the numbers you find there.
I would like to point out that the link in my first post is a link to a patch that will do what you want, since it appears no one saw it... and to remove the graphics, just remove them with YY-CHR
so, I was looking through a teleport to a defined level routine and it has this code in it:
PEA $008
I think this would push the values 00 and 08 to the stack, but I can't figure out how this code works, since that's not a 8 or 16 bit number... so anyways, what will this command push to the stack, and also, which order would it be.
Well, GFXTMP1 and 2 are just temporary RAM addresses used to check if the chomp is flipped or dying, so I wouldn't expect that to change anything anyway. As for the tiles... can't see why that wouldn't work, unless changing the temporary RAM addresses really screwed something up (doubtful, at least with those consequences)
erm... not sure why this wasn't said before, but if you just want to change Chargin' chucks palette, the easiest way would be to use Tweaker... just open up your ROM in tweaker and change the palette used by chuck...

Sprite paint by Smallhacker will work too
no sprite limits patch?
well, the problem with doing that is that the offsets for sprites touching the block are not sprite above, sprite below, like mario's are, but sprite vertical and sprite horizontal. so if you wanted to set something to happen to the sprite when it is on top of the block, the same thing would happen if it was below the block, so either it has to pass through both ways (up and down), or not pass through at all.

at least in smkdan's above only block, not sure about any others, the code looks like this:
Originally posted by code
;Mario can only pass in from the bottom of this block
;by smkdan

JMP MarioBelow : JMP MarioAbove : JMP MarioSide : JMP SpriteV : JMP SpriteH : JMP MarioCape : JMP MarioFireBall

LDY #$10 ;act like tile 130
LDA #$30
STA $1693

to make the sprites not go through on either side, change it to this:
Originally posted by code
;Mario can only pass in from the bottom of this block
;by smkdan

JMP MarioBelow : JMP MarioAbove : JMP MarioSide : JMP SpriteV : JMP SpriteH : JMP MarioCape : JMP MarioFireBall

LDY #$10 ;act like tile 130
LDA #$30
STA $1693
LDY #$10 ;act like tile 130
LDA #$30
STA $1693
This will run the code to make it act like a cement block when mario touches it from below and when a sprite touches it from below or above.
easy way is with Xkas GUI, but apparently that has some bugs (I've never hit any...) so theres a good tutorial on using Xkas here:
ok, this is my first real attempt at music porting, and I think it turned out pretty good. I made baba o'riley by The Who. Let me know what you think/how to improve on it (I'm working on keith moon [drums] right now so I'll see if I can get that working [probably not though...])
I don't know if there is a built in way (e.g. LM) but all I usually do is make a sprite (generator) that sets RAM address $1B96 to 00, thereby deactivating side exits.
as long as you make sure that you touch the block every single time yeah, that works too.
I'll try to explain what makes this more complicated. Level.asm allows you to do anything that requires only RAM changes in a specific level. However, there are some things that aren't just RAM changes, you have to change the ROM. A good example for this is the ROM address to make it so that you have to press y repeatedly to float, rather than just holding, giving the illusion of raccoon Mario. Normally, all you would have to do is change the ROM address $00D905 from $15 to $16. However, that makes it happen every level. So what would you do if you wanted it to only happen in one level? You can't store to the ROM in mid game (it's called read only memory, remember?). Honestly, I'm also at a loss of how he's planning to do this and make it compatible with every HEX edit (I could do one but all? I can't figure a way to make this easy...) the only way I can think is to put all the hex edits in there and have the user set a number if he wants that one to be active for a certain level, and even that is extremely ambitious. I wish you luck Fakescaper.
If you absolutely must, do what Mariocool1999 says, but honestly, there's really no reason to do that. Why would you care if someone looks in your hack and see's how it is in LM? I mean, even if they were to "steal" stuff from you, why should you care? You stole from Nintendo. Honestly, it's gotten to the point where I won't even play a locked hack anymore, if it's locked, I'll just ignore it and move onto one who's author isn't a total narcissist (trust me, I know narcissists, I am one and even I don't think it's necessary to lock your hack). And yes, if you lock them with LM they can easily be unlocked with RLM, so what's the point?

Sorry, I kinda started ranting there but... Argh, the whole idea makes me angry...

Edit: besides, even if you couldn't LM unlock, there is this thing called a HEX editor with which you can open up and look at the ROM's code, and trust me, large amounts of code in the middle of freespace really stands out in a hex editor, making it easy to steal someones stuff anyway.
erm... I guess that would really depend on what sprite you are talking about... In order to answer this question we would need both to see the code and to know what sprite you are talking about...
well, you could assign each hex edit a value (HOLY GOD THAT WOULD TAKE A LOT!!!) Then create tables that would be accessed based on if you assign that value... each HEX edit (I mean every single hex edit possible in the game... maybe just the popular ones?) would have to jump to the freespace, check first if it should be activated (by reading from the table) then check if it's level is activated (by reading from another table) Then do the hex edit if it is, otherwise, make the hex edit the same as it were before. for instance, your table would start looking something like this:
And each of those numbers if $00 would not activate the edit it is assigned to and if it is $01 it would activate it. So, starting from the beginning, if you want more the status bar to use more scanlines (first hex edit I saw in the ROM map), you would make the table look like this:
Then the code would look like this:
Originally posted by HOLY GOD THIS IS INSANE! code
org $8292
JSL HEX1 ;Probably a good idea to use numbers, to make things easier

LDX #$00 ;Add 1 to this for every subsequent HEX edit
LDA Table, x
BEQ NotChangeHEX1
LDY #$00
LDA LevelNum
CMP Table,y
CheckEndTable ;can't remember how to do this right now...
BNE HEX1loop
BRA NotChangeHEX1
LDY #$24 ;put the hex edit here, whatever number you want to change it to
LDY #$24 ;this is the regular code
LDA $4211

db $01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
db $01,$05

And then this would need to be done every for every Hex edit in the ROM map, and it would have to be easily customizable to add in new Hex edits (since they come up all the time) and as is, I really don't think that there are enough numbers to do this with, so you would probably have to enter 16 or even 24 bit mode for labeling your different hex edits. then you would need an easy way for the user to keep track of which number corresponds to which edit, so like a txt file that says like:
HEX1 = Scanlines
HEX2 = NoBonusStars

and so on and so forth...
hmm... unless you can think of a better way to do it than this (I'm sure you can, this is awful), this seems really impractical... But once again, I hope you find all success in this.
For the first, they walked sideways.

For the second... He was some kind of circus dude clearly... Pretty sure the only circus dudes with blindfolds are tightrope guys (at least up high, couldn't really do blindfolded trapeze now could you?)... so when the music stopped, he got distracted and fell? Meaning that whoever stopped the music killed him (conducter, angry fan throwing a shoe, no way to really tell)
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