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Posts by HuFlungDu

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I assume it would be a simple matter of just taking the pointer that says "check if fireball hits floor, if so do X" and tell it to do Y (being get rid of the sprite) I wouldn't assume that it would take a large amount of ASM hacking, I just need to know where the address is that controls what happens when the fireball hits the ground.

I wrote this whole long thing and you answered the question while i was writing. ninja'd
Is there any way to turn an MML file into an SPC file so that you can hear what it will sound like before you put it into your ROM? Like take your MML and take your sound bank and listen to what it will sound like? Tired of inserting bad music into my ROM and having to restart the whole process again.

lame, but thanks.
What is the largest ROM size that a SNES emulator can run? I know that a lot of stuff (mainly sound) was limited in the original game due to size constraints, but technically on a computer, the game could be whatever size you want right?
dang. Thanks that makes sense.

P.S. I was totally planning on going crazy with music and sound effects :)

next Question: Can Lunar Expand expand a ROM that isn't clean? I don't remember seeing anything about this but almost everything has to be done to a clean ROM so I though I'd ask.
So I inserted the NPC sprites with sprite tool, I inserted the custom GFX that it came with, and I super bypassed sp3 to use ExGfx 80, and all is well. Only problem is, I can't figure out how to change which graphics it uses, as the NPC gfx file comes with 4 different NPC possibilities. I want for it to use another GFX but can't figure out how (aside from YY-chr and manually editing it, but that would get rid of Toad) If it comes down to it I can make 4 different GFX files for what NPC I want, but I would really like to have more than one type of NPC per level.

IPS Patches, Addmusic (yes I realize we have Romi's method now), and a few other assorted things I've found.
aight sweet, thanks.
How do you make a level like the intro level (C5) where if an info box comes up, the level is beaten?
alright cool. thanks.
Okay so I'm trying to make it so that when Mario dies, the special exit for the level is activated. So far I have ripped off some other peoples work and come up with this:
!freeSpace = $218000

macro RATS_start(id)
db "STAR"
dw RATS_Endcode<id>-RATS_Startcode<id> 
dw RATS_Endcode<id>-RATS_Startcode<id>^#$FFFF 

macro RATS_end(id)


org $
	JSL DeathRoutine

org !freeSpace

LDA $02 	;1 = normal exit, 2 = secret exit 
LDA $0DD5 				
BEQ Skip 		
BPL Return 
STA $13CE 		;activate midway point flag
STA $0DD5 		;activate exit point
INC $1DE9 		;	
LDA #$0B 		;fade
STA $0100 		;to OW (without blur effect)

(If you see any problems in this let me know because this is my first Xkas patch so I just ripped off smallhacker's pallet patch and changed it but I don't know if anythings wrong or not)

So my question is, what byte do I hijack to insert the JSL Deathroutine?.
I'm sorry, How do I restore

LDA #$90
STA $7D ; hacked code.

in my code? I don't really understand what that means... thanks though.
alright cool, Thanks.

P.S. Iceguy, your totally the guy I ripped off for this code :)

P.P.S Okay so the hack works, Almost... I can't get it to activate the secret exit, just the normal exit. I tried changing LDA $02 to LDA $01 but without any success. While I could fix this by making the real exits secret exits, I would like to know why this is happening.
Okay so I'm trying to make it so that Y makes you cape spin and A makes you shoot a fireball. theoretically I could just make the beginning of the spin jump routine JSL to $00D082, ProcessFireball, but I can't find the beginning of the spin routine, I thought i had but it just destroyed my rom so obviously that wasn't right. so if anyone knows where that is, i would be much obliged.

ok so I created an ASM patch that effectively makes it so when you die, you trigger the secret exit. The only problem is, It only works if you run into another sprite, if you fall down a hole, you just die normally. I assume this is because I JSL'd to my new routine from Mario's death routine, which doesn't occur if you fall off an edge. So my question is, what address should I use so it triggers my effects when you fall off the edge? here's my code by the way if it helps anyone understand what I'm saying
!freeSpace = $2080CA

macro RATS_start(id)
db "STAR"
dw RATS_Endcode<id>-RATS_Startcode<id> 
dw RATS_Endcode<id>-RATS_Startcode<id>^#$FFFF 

macro RATS_end(id)


org $00F606
	JSL DeathRoutine
                           ; I assume I would put it here?

org !freeSpace

LDA #$90
STA $7D ; hacked code.
LDA $01 	;1 = normal exit, 2 = secret exit 
LDA $0DD5 				
BEQ Skip 		
STA $13CE 		;activate midway point flag
STA $0DD5 		;activate exit point
INC $1DE9 		;	
LDA #$0B 		;fade
STA $0100 		;to OW (without blur effect)
Ah I see. Thanks a lot.

Okay, so I implemented that and it works, exits me out without killing me, but when I fall off the edge it trips the midway flag but not when I'm hit with another sprite. This isn't really a problem in my hack since I won't have midway points, but its conceptually disturbing... Any ideas why this happens?
A. (Solved) Did they get rid of the noob question forum? I couldn't find it anywhere, but feel free to slap me if I'm being an idiot.

B. (Solved) I made a level that you start from the "outside" of a house, then you go inside, and there are a few exits in there. then finally, at the end, you go back "outside". Except it doesn't happen like that. Most of the exits work fine, but the final exit, instead of sending you back out, just finishes the level. Then, after you beat the level, everything gets really glitched and looks like this:

Which is actually kinda cool looking to me, but definitely not what I want it to do with a glitch.
Edit: Found out the problem. It does the same thing as what happened in my question C, where the level gets moved to the upper screen boundary, so anything below the screen boundary is counted as having fallen off the edge. So the only question I need answered here is how do I make it so that a secondary exit doesn't lead you to the second screen boundary.
EditEdit: Okay I figured it out. I needed to go to edit my secondary entrance so that the layer 1 initial position was 0C instead of 00. that fixed everything, so problem solved.

C. (SOLVED) On the same level, There is another exit that leads somewhere, but instead of going where I told it to go, the exit links to some blank level where you immediately die. I've checked it like 30 times and it definitely points towards the exit that I placed there, but the game doesn't seem to think it does... Edit: new developments here. The exit works just fine, just when I do a vertical pipe exit, it doesn't load the bottom of the screen, or it thinks the bottom of the screen is higher then it is, so I just moved the ground and the exit up some and it all worked out fine.

Okay that's all we can close this now. or not... I'm never coming back so what do I care? do whatever you want to this.
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