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Posts by PowerStrike

PowerStrike's Profile → Posts

This is just me.


Not ment to ofend ANYONE!
Not ment to be a flame.

Back to the post...
The way i see it. Their are only 3 reasons team hacks don't work out.

1. People not being able to work together.

2. People posting "That person is just fooling you!"
Some times it is true. BUT in this case it is not.
I know DP. He does not want to trick people!

3. Overall lack of trust!

Well thats just me. Feel free to be angry at me. I won't change me.
But that's just the way I see it.
Hello everyone!
I've decided to leave all of the arguments behind.
And Well this is mainly just to show a bit of progress on the hac that me and DP have been working on. He has helped me with testing and ideas. So her is a picture. Note this is before The EXTREAM Changing begins. Don't be mean after all this is my first real Professionl hack.

Personally I did not find it harsh in any way.
You just said what you thought.

Oh and I HOPE that the members read the edited post of DP.
So they know what to do! I don't think we are accepting
any more members. The plan has been decided AND started.
But it has been on PM's so don't expect too many updates HERE.
We will be doing it all on PM's.

Oh and now I am second in command.
DP is no longer alone there. We only
have give'r'take 5-6 maybe 7 memebers.
We are currently bouncin some Ideas around.

Well yeah.With that over with.
(: Have A Nice Day! :)
Yanama is somewhat right.
Somewhat because of the less complexities thing and that something short and simply yet good enough to provide 5-8 worlds of adventure.

The thing that makes me say somewhat is that you should let others do what they want...
Thumbs up for the TLOZ ALTTP reference.

I've also contributed already.
It was short...
OK long but simple.
And would provide 8 worlds. Give'r'take.
I've stayed up till 5 aclock.
It's easy. I just can't go to sleep easily.
Takes 2-4 hours. But I end up getting bored
and finding nothing better to do so I
generally fall asleep. I have tried to pull an
all nighter but... Then I'll fall asleep during
the day. And won't be able to during the night
so I try to sleep at the appropriate time so
that my "rhytims" arent thrown outta wack.
I just don't like the WORK.
The big work. And the ones with home in fron of them.
But that's the only place that I can meet my friends.
After I got redistrected school only serves as a
distraction and to not be on the computer 24/7. At
first it might sound kool and nice but it really isnt.
Monday I was sick. I REALLY wanted to be in school at
the time. You don't know what you have until it is gone.
These guys arent really robbers but they are outlaws.

2 guys try to escape cuba.
They grab this car an turn it into a boat.
The wheels make it float.
The engine makes it a speed boat.
They start heading out.
After about halfway it is nightfall.
They decide to go to sleep.
1 problem.
The car is a bright lime green.
The coast gaurd comes by sahines the light on the car!
They get caught and get arrested.
Forget exactly why...
They should have painted the car!
I'm ...
Thats all...
Just Wow...
This is just great...
Scratch that
words cant even describe how good it is.
Man... If this is your vanilla hack...
What would your either Asm hack or Chocolate hack be like?

This is just nice...
Wow this is a nice hack!
And the backgrounds...
What you said.
Over world is nice.
Very close together but nice.
I like it.
Man Merident you are doing awesome!

My hack pics and link should be coming up soon.
Well sports that I play are:

Ping-Pong / Table Tennis

Well IF Wii Sports counted
Nope never text.
You would think that someone with a phone that has a touch screen(EXPENSIVE!) would text all the time. I actuaally try to avoid texting. I just don't like it.
Well it used to be 9:30.
Right NOW it is 10:30.
So yeah it is growing..
This one place that people here problobly have NO idea where it is...

It is this place called "El Gaucho". MMMMMMMM!!!!!!


In that order

But Hammer Bro
are nice...
And Toad...
Whatta about DINO?
Wait he is the star of my hack...

Make Games
Play Games
Talk with my friends
sleep(if it is night)
eat(if it is good...)

Well I never log out/sign out...
And when I can which is just after school and before sleep I am on!
Oh fine

Yes I do like them all besides darkness/evil.
Feburary Sixth
2 6