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Posts by Onyx

Onyx's Profile → Posts

Originally posted by Ersanio
We should remake the music threads and stuff >_>

Why don't we just wait until we get the Official word to go...

It's kinda like an Awckward silence here...
Hmm.. If we get new User Ids, then we'll have to redo the WikiPages...

My ID is Lucky #7 :3
I don't know who that was... :/
If anyone were to become staff, It'd be someone who has considerable SMW hacking knowledge and has submitted several things to the site, and it would also be someone who didn't go crazy with power yesterday...

And if anyone noticed.. at least 1 staff member was on at all times yesterday... watching... waiting...

*cue scary movie chorus*
I have all Patches, Hacks, and Featured Hacks Info...

I put it on my abandoned site....

Here: Author Verification Names

And yes I know my site sux... no comments needed x_x
Mortal Kombat 3

I can play, but it's choppy sometimes... :/
(My internet Speed is 45kpbs)
I think ZSnes uses a Randomized IP adress everytime you connect to the internet o_O

Just throwing that out there :p

It's useful I guess... We Don't want any Hackerz >_>

Some Good Games:

Mario Kart
Mortal Kombat 1-3, and Ultimate
Killer Instinct
King of the Monsters
Yoshi's Cookie (It has versus >_>)
Monopoly, lol
Ms. Pac Man(?)
Dr. Mario/Tetris

That's pretty much the Only Battle Games I got...
Originally posted by MasterPenguin
Just makes it easy, I suppose.

*The Guides Up*

Where's the Guide o_O

I don't see it anywhere...
Wow, Do I ever feel Stupid xD

I'll try to connect in a sec :)
Heh... I just figured out ow to open those port things ^_^

I'll join... although I don't know how high of a frame rate I'll get... My interet is only 45kbps... It's kinda Choppy, although, I've never done a Zbattle, and I've never played against anyone with a higher speed than 15kbps >_>

I guess we'll find out :)

Email: yakatuka "guess what" (don't ask >_>)
Msn: yakatuka "guess what"

(guess what is the @ sign.. It's just there to prevent spambots attacking me)

Timezone: Well I'm in Ontario Canada... And I'm not exactly sure of my Timezone... If it helps at all, I have to type in a "3" in my profile to get the time correct on this site o_O
Originally posted by alexnobody
Okay. I just wanted to make sure. But what difference would it have made? I'm already signed up again. :P

I case you hadn't noticed there was a complete User and Forum wipe. It was done to clear out any "Noncompliant" Members, along with all of those useless threads...

Pretty much just cleaning everything out...
Mines a Map of Ivalace; Final Fantasy Tactics....

I have no need for a fancy layout, and this one suits me just fine :)

I like the Mini Elmdor Running Around the Bottom, lol

Unfortunately the Image isn't that big so during long posts you'll see it several times :/
Nice ExGFX Buu-Huu...

I personally like to create my own GFX (Although I ain't IceGoom)

Here's some Pics of MY Upcoming hack...
[ The Top Line of the Screenshots have a Glitch o_O ]

Kick Ass Title Screen

[Notice the Kung-Fu Boos ^_^]
["Onyx" and the Date are all Exanimation...]
[There's also another Surprise, but you'll have to wait for the Demo]

Planes of Beginning [Level 1-1]

[As you can see The Grey walls aren't solid >_>]
[Also Notice my SMB3 Goombas, and my new "Squished" GFX]
[Yay; Kewl Yoshi GFX [Customized to my Liking [The Feet/Arms]]]

Cracked Ring Isle [Level 2-1]

[The name Comes From the OW...]
[Again, Grey Walls aren't Solid]

The Onyx Platform [Level 3-1]

[This is probably my All-Time Favorite Level ^_^]
[The Lava is all ExAnimation]
[Lot's of Ingenious Level Design in this Place]
[The Darker Lava is BG]

??? [?-?]

[This is 1 of the 4 Super Secret Levels in my Hack]
[Kung-Fu Boos :D]
[Everything is Faded... Except....]

This is only a Very Small taste of What my Hack has to offer... There will be Over 31 Exits, and lot's of Awesome Level Design, Creativity, and of course, No Glitches or Bugs!

Hopefully it'll get Featured...
Originally posted by Onyx

Originally posted by S.N.N.
I would like that last screenie more if the green berry was faded also.

There is a Very Specific Reason the Green Berry isn't Faded... Unfortunately I can't give away any further details...

Originally posted by dotsarecool
This SS looks weird because the mist is in front of everything and it is also transparent making it look like there's sections missing.

Yes... I know what you mean... I was debating this myself too...
It'll (the mist) probably end up being placed in the Bg where it is supposed to be, but the FG mist kind of goes along with the theme of the Level... hmm..

Thanks for the Input!

@ Tornado

Nice OW ... Although I see a problem with your Paths...

Look right above your Castle... The Path cuts onto the Water... Making it look kinda Wierd...

Just pointing that out for you..

Other than that your hack looks awesome!
^ I was wondering that too... MAybe his story is he's trying to fight, and win back his ship(?)

Anyways, I love where this Game is Going [Graphics Wise]
It looks a little more... Dark... and Sinister... And I think it looks a lot better than the average cartooney Happy mood that is normally set in a Smash Bros. Game...

Also Petey Looks Awesome... Very Monstrous indeed...
(Pretty Big too >_>)
Finally! Diddy in smash bros... Now, all we need left is King K. Rool (hopefully in his Pirate Outfit from DKC2...)
*Clears Throat*

Sega Master System

Gamecube [ 2 ]

PS1 [ 2; both of which are broke ]
PS2 [ 2; One of them is Died ]

Xbox 360 [ Currently in it's Red Ring of Death Phase >_< ]

Original Gameboys [ 2 ]
Gameboy Pocket [ 1 ]
Gameboy Color [ 3 ]
Gameboy Advance [ 3 ]
Gameboy Advance Sp [ 2 ]
DS Lite [ 2 ]

Total # of Systems in House: 26
Total # of Different Systems: 16

Total # of Consoles in House: 13
Total # of Handhelds in House: 13

... wow... that's alot xD
Originally posted by B.B.Link
You must add a Street Fighter game. I will rule all..............

Also, have anyone ever played Yoshi Cookie? Can I suggest that, too. I will also rule in that.

OMFG Yoshi's Cookie! I used to play that game all the time when I was little!

***Back on Topic***

How about for a Prize, the Winner of the Contest gets a Custom Title?

Winner of the Mario Kart Tournament
Kicked Everyone's Ass at Mortal Kombat
Ate up the Competition During Yoshi's Cookie

Then we could have a Thread Stickied: Zbattle Hall of Fame, where the Winners could post there.........

I personally really like the Custom Title Idea...
It'd let everyone around here know that you had won...

I don't know if the Winner should be able to temporarily Customize their Title or just be given a Generic one...

What do you guys think? Yes/No....
Originally posted by Bad luck man
Not sure if this cannon that you speak of is in there

If you read his post really carefully he says

Originally posted by paperMario766
Hmmmm... I'm now [badpun]kongvinced[/badpun] that KKR needs a spot. I hope he has his cannon from DKC2!

He's Refering to King K. Rool.... The "Bowser" of Donkey Kong Games... In DKC2 He was a Pirate and wielded a Blunderbus that shot Spiked balls, and other Junk...

I'm pretty sure that's what he meant by Cannon...

He's also in that Demo 6 Hack... (Brutal Mario)