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Posts by Domiok

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While I do agree that this case of a level involving "floating munchers" or "cutoff tiles" are strongly looked down upon, most of the time those levels are NOT good. There are, however, many brilliant Kaizo-like hacks out there that incorporate these aspects in a positive way.

Also, without rules and guidelines, people would abuse the lack of limitations to form levels and hacks that are totally out of control. It just wouldn't end well, =/ .
(Yes, I will be posting here quite often.)

Just a few things with your level.
1.) -0:04 No one likes traps that can kill you at the beginning if you don't act. Sure, that isn't "thwomp beginning" difficult, but I wouldn't prefer being at risk to falling at the second I start.

-0:12 Don't see the point of the clouds. You could just move the blue koopa and its shell to the right a tad bit.

-0:58 Slight lag there. Most likely your emulator though.

-1:07 I feel that the last sentence in that text box isn't particularly necessary. You could just end the previous sentence with "..." or added a non-repeating conclusion.

-1:13 A coin there or something would be nice to symbolize that it isn't a leap to your possible death.

Although it was a fun level, I still felt as though you were holding back on us. Sure, you more than likely want to keep things like Dragon coins a secret, but you didn't even show us the path to the midway point bar! That and I still can't stand the harmful flipped "?" boxes... >_<
Erm... How should I comment?

-The Intro (I do realize that it does contain your old storyline.) has NO relation to the story. Just some random coins here; some random pipes there. Oh, and there's odd land platforms.

-Screenshot 2: The pipe cuts into the brick and I have no idea why you put a vine there.

-Screenshot 3: That looks thrilling...

-Screenshot 4: This feels like a 105 edit... Anyway, you can't pick up coins when entering a level diagonally.
Originally posted by Jigsaw
Well, just remember, there was also about 4 members from #smwc at the channel me and spade were fighting in. If this was #chanofice though, I would have been waaaay more offfensive, you cocksteaming goatfucking assmaster.

Wow... Can you try an insult that is actually good?
*insert object to rape* <--- Nice comeback.
There's only three things I didn't like about your level:
1.) I don't know, but the cave area felt a tad bit flat to me.
2.) It seems that when you jump on a goomba, it stay frozen there for a second or two and then dies.
3.) You didn't apply the fade patch yet. =(

Other than that, it's looking great so far! Can't wait to see level 2!
Are you setting it for custom sprites in your level or for land tiles? You'll want to use SP1,SP2,SP3,or SP4 (usually SP3, but the readme should clarify most of the time) if you're using the custom sprites.
On submaps (maybe the main map too) the outer two rows of the sides are cutoff. That's why you can't see your level. Hope that helps.
Well, how exactly did they mess up anyway? Are they glitched? Wrong palette?
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

- 0:41-1:03 Something I would typically do if I had to watch Hamtaro again and just happened to have a hamster around.

Perhaps you're incorrectly placing them in the Super Bypass. Assuming you have a readme of the tileset, does it say which files to place in what position? Also, what tileset are you using just for possible reference?
Well, I did decently enjoy it in the 3rd grade, but I tried watching it last year one day and it was just obnoxious to me. In fact, I even used to have a GBA game of it. It's just to "kiddy" for me now though.
Ahh, it was for the GBC, sorry. ;D
All I remember about it though was there was a pond with a hamster blocking something valuable...
To be honest, I couldn't find any severe problems with this level. There were a few things I'd like to comment on though.

- 0:13 Just a quick question; I highly assume you get the option of hitting the Blue switch before this level, yes?
- 0:27 Well... You know me and my hatred for those trick blocks.
- 1:03 I personally find that it's odd to see an ice pipe in this sandy level.
- 1:13 This is mainly a pet peeve of mine, but try not to use grey cement blocks as much. My feeling on cement blocks is that they should really only be used for buildings and related places.
- 1:17 I don't see why you placed that spring on a chomper. I mean, there isn't much in the level from that point that can be skipped with it if there is any points at all.
- 1:32 The note blocks glitch. Try to fix this in the GFX if you can or find a substitute.
- 1:57 The yellow vines, which look odd enough to me (Be careful not to snap the diseased vines!), have a wave pattern to the sides of them. I doubt that was the effect you of which you were looking for a lake.

Other than that, it was a pretty good level. A nice difficulty for what looked to be a 4th/5th world level, and you showing off some of the Yoshi coins was a plus for me. Good job!
Hey, the Bengals are leading AFL North. =D
What about the Steelers now, Jorshamo?
I have several things I'd like to add on to what Thunder said based on your video.

- 0:10 The ground looks cutoff when you use it in that way. Try to make it run smoothly.
- 0:40 Why, oh why did you put a 1-UP there? Not only that, but a Dragon Coin to boot? Ditch the 1-UP. Too easy.
- 0:50 The blocks cut into the giant cement block. Please remove those.
- 1:01 Same issue as 0:40.
- 1:36 Try to push this area to the right a bit so you can't see the previous area and when in the previous are you can't see this area.
- 2:29 Fill that gap in with blocks.
- 2:42 Same issue as 1:36.
- 2:54 If somehow you miss that door, you are forced to DIE.

Otherwises, this is a pretty decent castle. The colors of the blocks clash a bit in my opinion, but it doesn't particularly matter. Good job, mate!
Originally posted by NightmareProductions
*wall of pictures and text

And I am back with my harsh criticism! I have nothing against you; I just am trying to help make problems to my eyes better. Anyway...

Screenshot 1: First off, I do like how you changed the coin to look like Luigi. It works nicely, and custom graphics are always good. The problem is the fact that it is Luigi. Maybe slightly add a more Waluigi look? Well, the main problems with this picture to me are: a. The ledges do not run smoothly through (They part where the "goomba" is.) b. What's up with the solid brick blocks? I personally think you could change that to something else or remove it entirely.

Screenshot 2: No severe issues in this picture. The only thing I don't particularly like is the cement block. Maybe extend the ledge and have the vine connect to it?

Screenshot 3: Hello door? Looks a bit empty to me, but I'm not sure if there more or less detail as the screen before that.

Screenshot 4: On the far-left, the bottom ledge cuts into the cement block (It is turning into the wall, but there is a brick where the first part of the left wall would be.) There is another bit of cutoff where the top block of that row cuts into the left wall. Also, there are some FLOATING MUNCHERS. Please place a block/platform underneath them at least.

Screenshot 5: As with screenshot 3, there is nothing horribly wrong; however, it looks a tad blank.

Screenshot 6: Here is our final installment, revenge of the cutoff/odd land structures. It'd look terrifically better if you just connected them all into one piece of land. By the way, NEVER place things that are supposed to be visible on the last row. Players wouldn't know to go down to that turn block if it weren't for the "floating" shell.

I would also recommend you change the backround so it doesn't look like you took level 105 to edit at all.

Originally posted by NightmareProductions
I am looking for someon who can patch an xkas patch which allows me to change Player 2 GFX to Wario and have an xkas patch which allows you to switch between the 2 chars.

Fine, here's another quick tutorial (bottom of the thread) for patching. If you are merely asking for someone to make you patches, you always have the Requests section.

So, hoping to see improvements on this interesting hack. Good job, Nightmare.