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Posts by DarthRiko

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I figured that, like every other person here, that sisce the site was wiped, that I should re-start my thread.

So I'm going to show you a few pictures you all have seen before.

I am about 40% done total, but 99% done with small Mario.

And now for something new.
I have a definite story for the game. Mario starts out in 1-1 of SMB1 (8-bit form, mind you), then decides to go to perform the -1 glitch in 1-2, and falls into the 16-bit world, he must now venture though the strange world to Void Mountain, and enter the return pipe to get back to the 8-bit world.
Is the IP ban record from the old site still here? I'm just wondering because if it isn't then the staff will have to re-IP ban some people.
Originally posted by darklink898
What about making the whole game 8-bit.
I mean, the FG too.

(You stole my trashed idea! xD)

Sorry if you thought of this, I didn't think anybody else was doing this.

Making the whole game 8-bit would be very unique, however it would be an ugly mess.
I was wondering if the Paper Mario thread would be one of the first to be remade.
Mine is going to be my permenant avitar, I use it for every website I'm on. You can all guess what it is.
Originally posted by internoob
Lol that looks very cool. are all the enemies 8 bit too or just mario and them?


Originally posted by DarthRiko

I have a definite story for the game. Mario starts out in 1-1 of SMB1 (8-bit form, mind you), then decides to go to perform the -1 glitch in 1-2, and falls into the 16-bit world, he must now venture though the strange world to Void Mountain, and enter the return pipe to get back to the 8-bit world.

If he is in the 16-bit world, then why would there be 8-bit enemies? The only character that is 8-bit besides mario, is Yoshi.
Originally posted by Icemask
It's a color changing yoshi.

I like yours. I'm going to save it to my computer.
Originally posted by A Yoshi
I'm serious. I lost a lot of stuff from the wipe. >_>

Everybody lost stuff, but the wipe was still needed.
Originally posted by Lotica
Agreed. I hope this place can recover.

I just hope that the site will return to ist former glory, no mater how faded it was.

Off-topic, Remnic looks good in yellow.
Originally posted by Boingboingsplat
Just Mario, because he goes into 16-bit world. I don't like the story, how about Bowser goes back in time and kidnaps the princess?

Bowser kidnapping Peach, PERIOD, is too old and overused.
Originally posted by Reading
Originally posted by internoob
when people play mario they want a nice bright colorful environment. this was dark, and black, with skull hands grabbing you :(

Like I said on this game's previous thread: Not everyone who plays Mario wants a fun little happy quest to rescue the Princess. I, and several others, are glad to see that some recent Mario games have taken a more mature direction without going over the brink.

Quoted for truth, not much mor I can say.
Originally posted by Lotica
Originally posted by DarthRiko
Originally posted by Boingboingsplat
Just Mario, because he goes into 16-bit world. I don't like the story, how about Bowser goes back in time and kidnaps the princess?

Bowser kidnapping Peach, PERIOD, is too old and overused.

HE is right. The idea is so overused.

I'm a woman, remember?
Oh, well, lets get back on subject, I don't want to help ruin SMWC again in any way.
Originally posted by dotsarecool
Originally posted by darklink898
Well, I was about to reach 3000 and I don't care. >_>

I just reached 100 and I don't really care either...

I just reached 600 and I don't care either, the whole poin it that we could all tell each other how many post we had, and that we don't care, only to prove that we DID.
no, they just deleted every thread, post, and user at this site.
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