Posts by Major Flare
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vitor vilela: Sendo franco, O Ultimate n00b Boss foi feito pra quem não sabe NADINHA de ASM.
undefinied3: Abra o arquivo asm e você verá isso:
!Health = $0A ; Health the sprite has. Can be anywhere between 0-99 (#$63 being 99). Don't be silly, though. !FaceMario = $01 ; Initially face Mario? ; 01 -> Yes. 00 -> No. !SprAnimate = $01 ; Does your sprite animate? (i.e. flip between 2 frames) ; 00 -> No, 01 -> Yes. !SprAnimate2 = $00 ; Does your sprite animate for JSR Animate2? (In case you want to animate for other frames at a certain HP) ; 00 -> No, 01 -> Yes. !SprAnimate3 = $01 ; Does your sprite animate for Animate3? ; 00 -> No, 01 -> Yes. ; NOTE: If they animate, you specify the animation frames in the graphics defines below. !FastAnimation = $00 ; If you want your sprite to animate fast, make this an 01. ; If you leave it as 00, the sprite will not animate fast (a bit slower). !DeathType = $01 ; Type of Death: ; 00 -> Fall down, as if killed by star ; 01 -> Disappear in a puff of smoke. ; 02 -> Explosion (bob-omb) style. !DoFlash = $01 ; Does the sprite "flash" when it gets hurt? Flashes through colors and cannot be in ; Contact if it does. ; 00 -> No, 01 -> Yes. !ExitType = $02 ; Type of exit when Boss dies: ; 00 - Goal sphere style, normal exit (no walking). ; 01 - Goal sphere style, secret exit (walking). ; 02 - Teleport to whatever in the screen exit. ; 03 - Fade to OW. (Exit specified below). ; 04-FF - Nothing. !TeleSFX = $05 ; Sound to play when/if teleporting. ($1DFC) !ExitSFX = $0B ; Type of music when boss is defeated (only applicable if !Exit is 0-2) ; 0B - Boss defeated. ; 0C - Normal SMW level complete music. !OWExit = $02 ; If using !Exit as option 03, fade to the OW.. ; 01 -> Normal exit. 02 = Secret Exit. !NormalSprite = $02 ; Normal sprite to generate (if generating one). !CustomSprite = $00 ; Custom sprite to generate. ; NOTE: Generating a custom sprite that doesn't exist will (probably) result in a crash. !Gravity = $10 ; Does your boss float in the air? ; If so, leave it as 00. Otherwise, this is the gravity for the sprite. ; Suggested value: any value from 00-50. ; 10 = low gravity. ; 50 = high gravity. !Ledges = $01 ; Does your sprite stay on ledges? ; 00 -> No, 01 -> Yes. SPRITE_TO_GEN: ; For generating a random sprite, write the sprites here. Table must be 3 bytes! db $0D,$0F,$10 ; Bomb, Goomba, ParaGoomba. !INITSTAT = $01 ; STATUS for above sprites. For stationary shells, make this 09 etc. ; See $14C8,x in the RAM Map for all states. !StunTimerA = $20 ; How long the boss stuns the ground (only applicable if JSR'ing to Strong) !StunTimerB = $40 ; How long the boss stuns the ground (only applicable if JSR'ing to Strong2) !JumpHeight = $D0 ; New Jump height if posioned. $FF = mimimum, 80 = maximum. ; Advisable - A0-E0 !PoTimer = $03 ; Time to poison Mario, in seconds. (If JSR'ing to Poision). !Speed = $18 ; Speed Mario gets when poisioned. 00 = No speed at all, 26 = Max running speed. ; Advisable values = 15-20. !Col = $01 ; Have a green face when Mario is poisioned? 00 -> No, 01 -> Yes. ; NOTES: ; IF NEAR THE STATUS BAR (TOP), THE COLORS REVERT TO NORMAL ; SAME IF THE PLAYER PAUSES. ; THIS AFFECTS COLORS 86,89, 8C and 8E only. !High = $45 ; Color for Mario's face when poisioned. !Low = $0E ; 4 digit RGB values, like this: ; XXYY <- YY is !High, and XX is Low. !High2 = $B6 !Low2 = $30 ; Color for Mario's pants. !FireballHealth = $01 ; Does the sprite have fireball HP? ; 00-> No, 01-> Yes. ; NOTE-> For fireball HP, it's the normal HP * 3 (this is because it won't be easy ; .. to customise) !CapeHealth = $00 ; Does the sprite have cape HP? If so, it's normal health. (Not normal health*3). !CapeFlight = $00 ; Disable cape flight during the boss battle? ; 00-> No, 01-> Yes. !ExSound = $26 ; Sound to play when either a bone or hammer is thrown. ; Uses $1DF9. !PTimer = $88 ; Timer for p-switch (if it's activated). !FTimer = $4F ; How long the sprite flashes for when hit. !Dark = $0B ; Darkness to use when JSR'ing to Dark. !Dark2 = $07 ; Darkness to use when JSR'ing to Dark 2. ; Can be from 00-0F. ; 0F - Most brightness (also normal amount in SMW), 00 = Completely black. !NoSpin = $01 ; Should the sprite only be stompable if Mario spin-jumps on him? ; Stompable like an eerie (bounces off Mario), but it doesn't reduce the boss's HP. ; NOTE: If enabled, the sprite can be stomped on if using JSR ThrowHurt. ; 00 -> No, 01-> Yes. !Bouncy = $00 ; "Push" Mario back after jumping on the sprite? ; 00 -> No, 01-> Yes. !RiseLoc = $00F0 ; If making your sprite rise at a certain hitpoint (JSR Rise) ; ..specify the height at which it should stop. ; 0145 = 40% up of the screen. ; 0130 = Halfway up the screen. ; 0115 = 2/3 up screen. ; 00F0 = Right below the status bar. ; Must be 4 digits, otherwise the game will crash! !RiseSpeed = $E0 ; Speed at which the sprite rises. ; 80 - Extremely fast. ; FF - Slowest. ; Suggested: A0-E0. !DropSpeed = $16 ; If making your sprite drop again, specify the speed.. ; which it falls down. ; 01 -> Slowest. ; 7F -> Extremely fast. ; Suggested values: 10-40. ; NOTE, it stops when it touches the ground. !PushMario = $22 ; Speed to push Mario if the sprite touches him. (Only applicable if doing JSR Push). !YPush = $D5 ; Upwards push movement if sprite hurts Mario. ;If making your sprite chase Mario.. MaxAcceleration: db $1A,$E6 ; Maximum speeds the sprite can chase. MaxAccelerationY: db $10,$F0 ; Maximum speeds the sprite can chase. AccelerationX: db $02,$FE ; Acceleration for X speed. AccelerationY: db $04,$FC ; Acceleration for Y speed. ;If using messages, read below: !Msg1T = $01 ; Message one type. 01 = Message one, 02 = Message two. !Msg2T = $01 ; Same for the second message. !Msg1L = $00 ; Level of first message. !Msg2L = $29 ; Level of second message. ;These can be quite tricky. Up to level 24 = 24, but then it's 25 for level 101. 101 = 25, 102 = 26, 103 = 27, 104 = 28, ;105 = 29, 106 = 2A, 107 = 2B etc. ; Level 00 = 00 ; Level 1A = 1A ; Level 20 = 20 ; etc. ; Level 24 = 24 ; Level 101 = 25 ; After level 24 comes level 101, so that becomes 25. ; Level 102 = 26 ; Level 103 = 27. ;================================================================ ;Status Bar Stuff Here! ;================================================================ !A = $0A : !B = $0B : !C = $0C : !D = $0D : !E = $0E : !F = $0F : !G = $10 : !H = $11 : !I = $12 : !J = $13 : !K = $14 !L = $15 : !M = $16 : !N = $17 : !O = $18 : !P = $19 : !Q = $1A : !R = $1B : !S = $1C : !T = $1D : !U = $1E : !V = $1F !W = $20 : !X = $21 : !Y = $22 : !Z = $23 !YMove = $1510 !InvTimer = $7F9989 ; Used for many sprite misc. stuff. Make it atleast 12 bytes. ;Don't touch that. !ShowTiles = $01 ; Draw <Name>x<HP> on status bar? (E.g. Idiotx10) ; 00 -> No. Anything else -> Yes. NameTable: db !S,!M,!W,!C ; Name of boss. Write like this: !A for A, !F for F, !Q for Q etc. ; MUST PUT THE ! AND COMMA (,) after each letter except the last one. ; The db at the beginning is important, don't touch that. ; db !F,!A,!I,!L will write "FAIL". !NameSize = $03 ; The number of letters you wrote for your boss -1. For example, If my boss was called ; LOL, I would put a 02 here (3-1). (NOTE: must be 2 digit, so for 04 write 04, not 4) !Position = $0EF9 ; Position to draw tiles to. ; Can be anywhere from $0EF9-$0F2F. See 1024's status bar for reference. ;================================================================ ;Graphics Routine! ;================================================================ ;Notes: ;This is a 32x32 Boss, so it has 4 tiles - Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left and Bottom Right. ;If you didn't set your sprite to animate, it will NOT use the walking frames. ;By default, it will always animate between frames if it's set to animate. ;For each 16x16 tile (Top Right, Top Left etc.) , you specify the top-left part of that 16x16 tile. For example, the Mushroom ;Is a 16x16 tile. In the 8x8 editor it's tile 0x224. So you would right the last 2 digits - 24 for that and the whole 16x16 ;Gets drawn. Similarly, the fire flower graphic would be 26. ;NOTE: IF YOU CHOOSE "use second graphics page" in the cfg editor, it uses tiles from SP3 and SP4. !TopLeft = $A0 !TopRight = $AB !BottomLeft = $C0 !BottomRight = $C2 !WalkTopLeft = $E0 !WalkTopRight = $E2 !WalkBottomLeft = $E4 !WalkBottomRight = $E6 ;If using more animation frames in the sprite, specify them here: ;NOTE: To use them, use JSR Animate2 and JSR Animate3 in your sprite STATES. ;For Animate2: !TopLeft2 = $CC !TopRight2 = $CE !BottomLeft2 = $EC !BottomRight2 = $EE !WalkTopLeft2 = $6D !WalkTopRight2 = $6D !WalkBottomLeft2 = $6D !WalkBottomRight2 = $6D ;For Animate3: !TopLeft3 = $6D !TopRight3 = $6D !BottomLeft3 = $6D !BottomRight3 = $6D !WalkTopLeft3 = $CC !WalkTopRight3 = $CE !WalkBottomLeft3 = $EC !WalkBottomRight3 = $EE ;================================================================ ;Sprite X Speeds Are Configurable Here! ;================================================================ ; Notes: ; If your sprite has 6HP, you need to write to the first 7 values of the table only (00-06), if it has 3 HP, write to the first 4 values of the table etc. ; Slowest speed is 01 and fastest is 7F. It's recommended to not go higher than 25 as it gets very fast from there onwards. ; 00 is stationary i.e. the sprite doesn't move. ; First value in the table is for 00 HP, last value is for 99 HP. Writing to values not used doesn't have any affect. Tbl1R: db $00,$11,$11,$12,$14,$10,$0F,$13,$18,$14,$10 ; 10 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 20 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 30 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 40 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 50 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 60 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 70 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 80 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 90 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 99 ;===================; ; Pointers ; ;===================; MainPointer: LDA $1528,x JSL $0086DF dw STATE0 ; Dead state. Don't use for actions (ony RTS) dw STATE1 ; 01, last hit point. dw STATE2 ; 02, 2 hit points left .. dw STATE3 ; 03, 3rd last hit point. dw STATE4 ; 04, etc. dw STATE5 ; 05 dw STATE6 ; 06 dw STATE7 ; 07 dw STATE8 ; NOTE! MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AS MANY DWS AS YOUR BOSS HP, OTHERWISE YOU MIGHT GET PROBLEMS! dw STATE9 dw STATE10 STATE10: STATE9: STATE8: STATE7: STATE6: STATE5: STATE4: STATE3: STATE2: STATE1: STATE0: JSR Move RTS
Edite os valores de acordo com o que você quer no sprite, INCLUSIVE OS GRÁFICOS. Daí, configure os dw STATES (tem que ter o mesmo tanto do seu HP escolhido!), adicione tantas State labels quanto o HP e ponha seus pointers que existem no sprite. Suponhamos que eu quero um boss que solte martelos rápido, pule, tenha 3 de HP e é bem LENTO:
Tbl1R: db $00,$11,$11,$12,$14,$10,$0F,$13,$18,$14,$10 ; 10 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 20 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 30 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 40 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 50 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 60 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 70 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 80 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 90 db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; 99
Se o boss tem 3 de P, edite os 4 primeiros bytes ( o 1º tem SEMPRE que ser 00). Dicas:
Lento - 01 a 0F
Médio - 10 a 1F
Rápido - 1F a 25
Não passe de 25!
2) Mude o valor de !Health para 03
3) ponha nos pointers (dw STATES):
e deixe como labels após o último dw:
4) Agora as ações. Como o boss que queremos solta martelos rapidamente e pula, colocamos como orientado abaixo dos STATES. Agora, pra esse nosso boss, temos:
JSR Move
JSR ThrowHurt
JSR Push
JSR HammerB
5)Insira com spritetool do ROMI.
6)Ponha seus PRÓPRIOS GRÁFICOS para o boss de acordo com o código. Se você botou, por exemplo, $00 para o Top-left tile, abra o 8x8 editor, vá a página 3 e edite os tiles 0x300 ($00) e os que ENCOSTAM DIRETAMENTE NELE (0x310, 0x301 e 0x311)! É um 16x16!
7) Selecione o sprite header pra 0E e teste!
na label SPRITE_TO_GEN, os três valores são os que aparecem na janela de adicionar sprites do LM. Exemplo: Koopa verde sem casca é $00, chave é $80...
2)Seu bloco deverá ser mais ou menos assim:
JMP Return : JMP Above : JMP Return : JMP Return : JMP Return : JMP Return : JMP Return LDA $15 ;RAM do controle AND #$02 ;Se o Mario estiver indo pra esquerda... BNE GoRight AND #$01 ;Se o Mario estiver indo pra direita... BNE GOLeft RTL GoRight: LDA #$01 TSB $15 TSB $16 LDA #$02 TRB $15 ;TRB $16 RTL GoLeft: LDA #$01 TRB $15 ;TRB $16 LDA #$02 TSB $15 ;TSB $16 RTL Return: RTL
Originally posted by booblock
This is something I've been waiting for....
This tutorial is so easy to understand... you explained everything so shortly and easy... Thanks, a LOT...
One question:
Can people use the codes that you teached as a custom block????
(via BTSD, of course)
And don't ask "Do you know that BTSD JMP things..." etc.
I know it. I just think this:
JMP check: JMP check: JMP check: JMP check: JMP Return: JMP Return: JMP Return:
LDA #$0A ;;;; ; |From tutorial...
STA $$7E0DBF ;/
RTL ;RTL works on Xkas...
This tutorial is so easy to understand... you explained everything so shortly and easy... Thanks, a LOT...
One question:
Can people use the codes that you teached as a custom block????
(via BTSD, of course)
And don't ask "Do you know that BTSD JMP things..." etc.
I know it. I just think this:
JMP check: JMP check: JMP check: JMP check: JMP Return: JMP Return: JMP Return:
LDA #$0A ;;;; ; |From tutorial...
STA $$7E0DBF ;/
RTL ;RTL works on Xkas...
As I can see, correct your block like this:
JMP Check : JMP Check : JMP Check : JMP Return : JMP Return : JMP Return : JMP Return Check: LDA #$0A STA $0DBF ;Don't waste so many cycles, man... Return: RTL
I'm with a problem. I made a custom sprite, but, when I test it, it falls behind the ground!
Here 1s:
The cfg file
The asm file
Any help???
Okay, I'm having a huge problem with my custom sprite... When I test it, it simply FALLS BEHIND THE GROUND!!! Any Help?
Here is the entire code...
Magmar, sorry for may incovenience. I had very mush trouble with my hack so...
Now, my vote:
RedToonLink = 8.5/10
I liked the player...
PercentN = 9.5/10
Ha,ha,ha, a very good castle GFX...
I liked your GFX, men...
Neutron's = 7.5/10
I couldn't see te palettes, but it seems to be a very nice GFX
Fakescaper's = 1/10
Horrible player, and The boos and P-Switch are really strange...
The bad hacker's = 10/10
THE BEST!! Really nice OW GFX, and FG... For me, the winner!!!
1UPDudes = 5/10
I liked only your player's replacement...