Random Touhou pic:
(Huh, seems that Safebooru borked something recently, and the first two images may not load properly if you're viewing them in a browser that uses Chromium. At least that's my theory. I can see them just fine in Firefox, which does not use Chromium.)

I'm also still going to leave the Wakasagihime and Cirno pictures here, since I really like them:

Well, with YouTube screwing over the channel design, I'm going to put most of my YouTube channel description here:
Some Guy's mostly Super Mario World related stuff!
If you want to try out some of the SMW levels I've created, the links are below. Just patch the IPS file to a clean SMW ROM and you should be good to go! If there are any questions, PM me.
SMW hack I've been working on (v0.23):
I'll also leave the v0.22 link here for now, in case anyone wants it for whatever reason:
SMW hack with the 27 addmusic songs (and my 4th automatic level):
Also, just in case anyone is looking for the 27 addmusic songs so they can put them in a SMW hack for themselves, I'll put a download link here:
SMW hack containing my 12th automatic Mario level:
SMW hack containing my 14th automatic Mario level (used for the 5th 24 hour contest):
SMW hack containing my 15th automatic Mario level (also contains my 12th, since it was built off of the same ROM):
My 2011 vanilla contest level ("Lines and Stuff"):
My 2012 vanilla contest level ("Switch Block City"):
My 2013 vanilla contest level ("Magikoopa's Fun House"):
(Note: I didn't enter the 2014 vanilla contest.)
My 2015 vanilla contest level ("Eating block Ruins"):
My 2016 vanilla contest level ("Ice Block Cavern"):
My 2017 vanilla contest level ("An Unusual Trip Out"):
My 2019 vanilla contest level ("Hide And Seek Items"):
My 2020 vanilla contest level ("Eating Block Manor"):
My 2021 Old-school contest level ("Why Be Right?"):
My 2022 vanilla contest level ("Eating Block Story"):
My 2012 Yoshi's Island contest level ("Rube Goldberg's Castle"):
(Patch to a clean, headered Yoshi's Island: SMW2 ROM.)
I've also made a Super Mario Bros. hack, so if anyone wants to try it, here's the link:
Make sure to patch this to a clean Super Mario Bros. (NES) ROM, and not Super Mario World!
A link to an experimental forum site (from Zeldara109):
In this forum, you can find virtualboy2558's daily questions, view some Touhou high scores, rant about stupid things YouTube's doing, and talk about some other random stuff.
Link to a YouTube poll that apparently the YT staff doesn't care about:
UPDATE (March 9, 2012): Well, forget that. They managed to break their own help forum! It keeps trying to redirect me to some "Google Groups" thing that ends up lagging even worse than ZippCast! (At least for me.)
Image of my old channel design, which I put together near midnight on March 5th: (Click the link to see it. It's way too large to simply display on this page.)
About me:
I started watching YouTube videos regularly in January 2009, but it wasn't until July that I decided to try creating a YouTube account (so I could comment on other videos). I had also been wanting to upload a video of my first automatic SMW level, but I had no idea where to start. However, thanks to a helpful YouTube video by ArrotinoCalogero, I was able to do it!
(UPDATE: I've learned that ArrotinoCalogero's account's been terminated, so I can no longer point out that particular video.)
I've since decided to create and upload more automatic levels, along with lots of other mostly SMW-related stuff. Be sure to check them out!
On Sep. 17, 2010, I decided to create my SMW Central account! This was mainly just so I can participate in the SMW Central video challenges, but I've also helped out a bit in the "What is that?" thread, and participated in a couple vanilla level contests. I might do some other things on SMW Central later, but I'm not sure what yet...
Current status:
Dec. 1, 2011:
Let me go on record as saying I don't want the new channel design you're offering, YouTube. Please don't force it on me!
Also, I hate the new home page, and as of Dec. 5, I can't even go back to the previous one by adding "home" to the end of the address anymore. The "index_ajax" trick also disappeared on Dec. 8, and as of Jan. 11, 2012, GlitchMr's trick stopped working too! You suck, YouTube!
Mar. 8, 2012:
Well, YouTube's screwed over my channel now, so I'm probably not going to be uploading much there anymore, except for the rest of Super SIG World 21.
Apr. 13, 2012:
Eh, I decided I'm not quite ready to quit YouTube yet, so I'm going to play through one of my favorite hacks, Chaos CompleXX.
July 16, 2012:
Started Touhou flash game, Project Nize Festival.
(NOTE: Actually, "Nize" should be "Nite", so it's "Project Nite Festival".)
July 18, 2012:
Started DODODO's "Mini Levels", which was suggested to me by helpful123456789 long ago.
Currently playing through:
-Alyssa's Unlikely Trap
-Same Sprites, Different Levels
-TMNT4: Turtles in Time
-MagiCat (on break for now)
-Miracle Fly (on break for now)
-Tobari and the Night of the Curious Moon (on break for now)
-VVVVVV (player levels) (on break for now)
(Last updated: August 3, 2020)
-Video games
-Game shows
-Orange soda
-Anything funny (as long as it's tasteful)
-Proper spelling and grammar
-Fast YouTube upload speeds
-YouTube's previous channel design (before March 7th, 2012)
-Smokers (especially when I have to deal with poisonous smoke right next to the entrance of a store or something that I must go through!)
-Profanity (F-bombs and S-bombs in particular)
-wen peepol yous spelin n gramma tahts r soo horibul itz 2 tuff too reed (When people use spelling and grammar that's so horrible it's too tough to read)
-Anything unfair
-People who don't drive safely (tailgating, not using turn signals, speeding, etc.)
-Bad luck (Who doesn't hate that?)
-Distasteful humor
-Lagging and crashing computers
-Pop up ads (especially forced ones!)
-Google Instant
-Inaccurate TV listings that cause me to miss a show because it actually aired earlier than I was expecting!
-October snowstorms (especially when one results in our home being without electricity for 195 HOURS!!!)
-YouTube's current annotation editor (Okay, they added size 11 to the choices, which looks just like 12, but there are still other issues...)
-"SOPA", "PIPA", and "ACTA".
-YouTube's new design as of Dec. 1, 2011. Oh my god, it's ugly! (And possibly lag-inducing for me!)
-YouTube's current channel design. It's way too unwieldy for me and looks like crap!
-When YouTube forces a change that not everyone likes! C'mon, YouTube! At least let the users decide which layout they want!
-YouTube (I used to like it...)
Favorite LP-ers: (Sorted alphabetically)
Other LP-ers that I consider cool:
Other YouTube videos I enjoy:
-Automatic Super Mario World levels
-garudoh's The Music of Video Games
-Stupid Game Show Answers
-TAS-es of video games
-zebezd's Mega Man X challenges
Other sites I like to visit:
-SMW Central
-TV Tropes (Thanks to zebezd for informing me about this one!)
-Google (But only to use as a search engine.)
(Any of the above lists may be subject to change in the future.)