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TheSuperRotom's Profile


Name: TheSuperRotom
Forum posts: 335 (0.07 per day) (View)
Forum threads: 65 (5.15 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 14 years and 5 days)
Last post: , in Music Request Thread - Request Ports Here! (Notable Threads)
Last activity: (7 months and 13 days ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 0 (View)
Location: Why would I tell you?
Local time: (-5 hours from the server)



User Bio



Hello! I make a lot SMW ROM Hacks. I also love to read.
Current Projects:

SMB Remake [Canceled] (First Hack I made)
SMW Evil Edition [Alpha Stage] [Canceled]
Mario & Luigi Deep Journey [Rebooting]
Mario & Luigi: The Attack [Canceled]
Cyper and the 7 orbs of Power (Vanilla Version) [Canceled]
Cyper and the 7 orbs of Power (Strawberry Version) [Canceled]
Nomb's Adventure [Concept Staging; Making Concept Art]
Cyphermur9t's Epic Ride [Canceled]
Mario and Luigi: Deep Journey: The Original Version [Cancelled]
Mario's Super World Adventure [Early Alpha; Starting]
Return to Lunar Magic [Canceled]
New Super Mario World (Demake) [C3 2013 Version]
Some Generic Mario World Concepts (tentative title) [???]
Wario Land 6 [In Progress]
Contest Projects:

Short is Sweet [Short and Sweet Level Contest] [Unable to post links at the time]
Aqua Ruins [Best SMW Level] [Canceled Contest]
Metropolis City Zone 1 [Best SMW Level Design]
TomPhanto's Secret Santa Level [SMWC Secret Santa]
Title Screen Challenge [SMWC 24 Hour Contest 2] [Unable to finish in time]
(Also judging in 2012 Kaizo Contest)

Which Mario Character are you?
Your Result: Mario

You are a hero, well atleast in you're mind. You are brave. You're definitely not afraid of the dark! You resemble a Nintendo hero we all know and love, Super Mario!

Which Mario Character are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

If I was a Pokemon, I'd be a
What Pokemon Are You?.
Think not? Think again here! I am a Pikachu!

Taking the test one year later yeilded different results, here these are.

I am a Dragonite!

Well.. This is surprising..
What's your SMWC status?
Your Result: LudwigVonKoopa

A somewhat secret rank! You're most like me, funny, aspiring to be a mod, enemy of Captain Pissweak. Life often rear-ends you leaving you with crap. Don't worry, you'll get your day...

Normal User
Snippy Moderator
What's your SMWC status?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz!/8SomaCruzes Twitter.

Other hacks I support:

Paper Mario: The Marvelous Compass (by Iceguy)

Also, I am a Knuckles fan: Photobucket
Are you good at SMW Hacking? Take the quiz here!

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