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Telinc1's Profile


Name:  Telinc1
Forum posts: 1722 (0.34 per day)
Forum threads: 192 (8.97 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 13 years, 8 months and 12 days)
Last post: , in Constantly changing profile pictures? (Computers & Technology)
Last activity: (2 hours, 40 minutes and 28 seconds ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 22 (View)
Local time: (2 hours from the server)
Groups: Staff, Site Helpers, Forum Helpers, Developers



User Bio

Hi, I'm Telinc1. I'm the system administrator and lead developer of SMW Central, which means I make sure the site runs smoothly and I occasionally code new features. If you want to ask me something about the site - go ahead! I can also respond to requests for name changes or password resets. Send me a PM here or a DM on Discord to get in touch.

I'm an experienced SMW hacker with expertise in all areas (as evidenced by my proud collection of horrible old submissions) except music (praise the telinc test bullshit). I specialize in ASM, which I find to be the most interesting part of hacking, and I used to be an ASM moderator and ASM manager. I haven't completed any noteworthy hacks, but I sometimes work on various prototypes that I show off at C3.

As far as SMW is concerned, I do not take requests of any kind - so don't bother asking.

I regularly lurk around the forums and the Discord server, sometimes answering people's questions. You can often find me in Site Questions & Feedback and the Issue Tracker.

Chrono Trigger is the peak of game design. Kris is the most precious blue person in the world. Period.
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