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Koopster's Profile


Name:  Koopster
Forum posts: 10459 (2.16 per day) (View)
Forum threads: 125 (83.67 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 13 years, 2 months and 28 days)
Last post: , in Why do some former admins keep their colors while others don't? (Site Questions & Feedback)
Last activity: (1 day ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 31 (+1 awaiting moderation) (View)
Local time: (-3 hours from the server)
Groups: Beta Testers


User Bio

Hi, I'm Koopster! Long time hacker and member, former staff and contest judge, among other things. I'm generally a huge slacker (read: life has me too busy for spending time with my hobby), but sometimes I do overworlds, levels of all kinds and ASM. I may seen mean at times, but I'm actually pretty nice.

If a resource of mine is broken, you may update it without my permission.
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