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AntiDuck's Profile


Name: AntiDuck
Title: The Slayer of Logic
Forum posts: 396 (0.09 per day)
Forum threads: 9 (44.00 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 12 years, 7 months and 1 day)
Last post: Restricted
Last activity: (5 hours, 21 minutes and 6 seconds ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 5 (View)
Location: The Republic of Duckland
Local time: (-5 hours from the server)

User Bio

You know 76% about SMW hacking.
You seem to know quite a lot of things about SMW hacking and a little bit of ASM/SNES-related questions.

How good are you at SMW hacking?

How good are you at SMW hacking?
Your Result: Experienced Hacker
You are very good at SMW hacking. Your hacks have great level design, and you have enough experience to make good chocolate hacks. You have a lot of hacking knowledge, and you play-test your hacks so they have almost no errors at all. You can make very good and polished hacks.
Average Hacker
Hacking God
Semi-good Hacker
Hacking n00b

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