Steam Friend Code: 164896449
I made a smm Hammer bro pack and got rejected because it did not follow guidelines and had to be remapped even though smm Hammer bros have more frames than the standard/custom ones...
My Art/Edit Portfolio
Not sure what this is...
My SMWCP2 Cover Art Submission
Very old meme
Minecraft Link Side A
Minecraft Link Side B
Hex Editing 1 Pic Tutorial
Abstract Quote from Earthbound [Mother 2]
Same Quote but Italicised
I Have Power to Create GIF's!!!
pfft: Show/Hide Code Anybody with asm knowledge, make a SMW Co-op + Buddy System. I would make it if I knew Assembly.
SMASSMB2USA [Right] Gradients in SMW [Left]
Yoshimaster's Pic Twin
Past Works:
DKC 2 (Snes) - (Palette Edit) Dixie Color Green
DKC 2 (Snes) - (Palette Edit) Dixie Color Green II
DKC 2 (Snes) - (Palette Edit) Diddie Color Green
DKC 2 (Snes) - (Palette Edit) Diddie Color Yellow and Dixie Blue
DKC 2 (Snes) - (Palette Edit) Diddie Color Pink (Dixie) and Dixie Red (Diddie)
Twilight Princess but 4 Player Adventure
like Four Sword's Adventure can only choose 1. Which color would you pick?
SMAS-SMB2USA 1-1 Layer 3 Clouds + Gradient
Lunar Magic Tool
Bar Edits:
SMB3 Main
Public Version:
Winter Level Contest
Public Download
Developer Version
Failed Layouts
=Super Mario and Luigi 64=
=Zelda Kakariko Village=
Second Layer (Bottom)
Main (Front obj)
S M W M o d /H a c k i n g R e l a t e d
Dear Mods: Whomever deleted my SMW + SMAS SMB3 Graphic Mod Forum Thread, thank you. It was from a different part of my time that didn't understand plagiarism. I've grown more humble of appreciative with life and I am trying to get back into swings in SMW modding. It sucks time moves so fast.
Secret Time: Show/Hide Click the middle Mario if you want to Beta Test my unfinished GFX Mod of SMW to SMAS SMB3. It's currently on locked mode and this was my only copy, causing me to restart from scratch. And yes, that's why it's delayed. Not only that the tools are upgrading, but the more tools creates more work. If only SMW Modding was a JOB.
My Winter Level Submission (2010)
Developer Folder
Check out my other contributions to the site above my bio, or click "
View ".
Any Extra files will be
here : "Oof"