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Ringo's Profile


Name:  Ringo
Title: Hinalyte is the cutest!
Forum posts: 5503 (1.20 per day)
Forum threads: 357 (15.41 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 12 years, 7 months and 1 day)
Last post: , in Save RAM Database Removals Log (Hacks)
Last activity: (2 hours, 41 minutes and 44 seconds ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 43 (View)
Location: Brazil
Local time: (-3 hours from the server)
Groups: Staff, Hack Moderators, Beta Testers



User Bio

Heyo! Long time user on this site, currently a staff member. I'm not as active on the forums as I once was, but I still check them to a certain degree outside of section duties.
I still hold some interest on working on my own hack, but that's no longer my primary hobby.

You might be able to find me on the Discord server if you need to talk about something that doesn't concern the hacks or SRAM sections.

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