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darken's Profile


Name: darken
Forum posts: 103 (0.02 per day) (View)
Forum threads: 13 (7.92 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 11 years, 9 months and 29 days)
Last post: , in [Level 105] Skyso (VLDCX)
Last activity: (4 months and 18 days ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 11 (View)
Location: Brazil - Distrito Federal
Local time: (-7 hours from the server)

User Bio

What i like:
Draw pixel art;
Play games (especially the hardests);
Make some smw levels;

Big bad boot:


Alien Hive for Chocolate Level Design Contest 2016:

Cookie Mountain for 24h Level Design Contest:

Originally posted by Sample quote

Sample code

Sample post
Hacks and GFXs
My instagram profile, if you are interesting to see my drawings.
MyAnimeList profile.
I was not planning make hacks for a while, so the third episode of the "o ninja negro" series will take a long time to make, and "Mario in neb's land 2" is cancelled.