Hi! My name is Linkisahero. I speak both Spanish and English.
Fan of adventure games.
Favorite hacks:
-100 Rooms of Enemies
-Brutal Mario
-Call of Cthulhu (not on SMW Central)
-Exodus to Death
-F-Mario: Galaxy Cup
-Il Maniero Spettrale
-Mario's Keytastrophe (original and Rebirth Edition)
-Mushroom Kingdom: Under Crimson Skies
-Pokémon Darkness
-Sicari Remastered
-SMW 2+ 3: The Essence Star
-Super Demo World: The Legend Continues
-Super Mario World: Return to Dinosaur Land
-Super Mario World: The Secret of the 7 Golden Statues
-The Tale of Elementia
Other hacks on my to-play list:
-Hack series
-Mario's Amazing Adventure Revitalized
-New Super Mario World 1: The Twelve Magic Orbs
-The Second Reality Project Reloaded
-An SMW Central Production
-A Super Mario Thing
-Vanilla Level Design Contest series
-Yoshi's Strange Quest