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Tsutarja's Profile


Name: Tsutarja
Title: Probably busy
Forum posts: 341 (0.10 per day)
Forum threads: 39 (8.74 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 9 years, 4 months and 19 days)
Last post: , in What got you into making ASM? (General Discussion)
Last activity: (1 week and 5 days ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 4 (View)
Location: NGC 5195 (?)
Local time: (-3 hours from the server)


Website: http://localhost

User Bio

Dzieńdoberek, pani(e) prześladowca.

I'm Tsutarja, if you haven't guessed at this point. I have been lurking on SMWC roughly since the end of 2009 and programming stuff since the mid-late 2010s, which I assume is probably the reason you are here in the first place.

The resources I released over the years were extremely rushed, and despite not recommending their usage, I offer to patch them up if you have any problems, and maybe even make better ones. Just drop me a PM and maybe I'll answer when I log back in.

That said, I do appreciate a good Splatoon match from time to time. Add me on Switch [SW-1879-1748-7666] if you wanna play with me sometime. I always welcome the company ^^
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