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Zekrom PKstarship's Profile

Zekrom PKstarship

Name:  Zekrom PKstarship
Forum Games Shitposter
Forum posts: 1809 (0.52 per day) (View)
Forum threads: 29 (62.38 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 9 years, 5 months and 20 days)
Last post: , in P&PM: Impetus Battles - End of Forumgamevangelion (Forum Games)
Last activity: (4 years, 9 months and 28 days ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 0 (View)
Location: Dragonspiral Tower, Unova
Local time: (-9 hours from the server)



User Bio


Name: PKstarship
Age: 18
Rating: Epic
Gem Type: Alexandrite
Weapon: Warhammer
Armor: Diamond Armor (Fire Resistance IV)
Pokémon species: Zekrom
Level 100
Nature: Brash
Ability: Teravolt
Moveset: Fusion Bolt, Dragon Claw, Bolt Strike, Zen Headbutt
Item: BrightPowder
Favorite food: Burritos
Favorite TV show: Steven Universe
Favorite movie: Guardians of the Galaxy
Favorite song: Stronger Than You
Favorite Video Games-
-Metroid Prime
-Space Channel 5: Part 2
-Portal 2
-Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
-Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
-Halo 4
-Super Mario 64 DS
-Sonic 3 and Knuckles
-Bejeweled 3
Quotes:"Jersey Shore is a surgery-free lobotomy."
"If you are reading this, you need to be doing something more important."

Random Avatar

Random Rankset


Boometh: 8:42:40 PM - PKstarship: I literally can't even Undertale
Boometh: I haven't heard something this Tumblr for a long time
Magi: ^
Ruberjig: ^

Dead: Do your mom
Mettaton_EX: hey
Mettaton_EX: Keep it clean, darling
Mettaton_EX: This is a family show
Zandro: Do the Mario
Dead: Clean: unlike your mom
* Ruberjig does the mom
Ruberjig: *mario
Ruberjig: lol

*** Shree quit (Quit: -- .- -.. . / -.-- --- ..- / .-.. --- --- -.-)
*** Shree joined #smwc
LDA: rip
PKstarship: What does that message spell anyways
PKstarship: I know it's in morse code
PKstarship: I'm just too lazy to decode it
TRS: if you read it carefully you'll find it says
TRS: -- .- -.. . / -.-- --- ..- / .-.. --- --- -.-
PKstarship: --.- -.. . / -.-- --- ..- / .-.. --- --- -.-
LDA: good work
PKstarship: Actually, I forgot a " "
LDA: a what
PKstarship: y'know... a " "
TRS: a " "
LDA: you forgot a set of quotes?
PKstarship: no...
Shree: no, a " "
PKstarship: I forgot a " "
LDA: a set of quotes
* PKstarship facepalms
LDA: here's some quotes ofr you to use: """"""""""""
PKstarship: I forgot a " ", not a """
TRS: no, it's the thing inside the quotes
LDA: you only need 2?
LDA: here: ""
LDA: tax there is nothing inside those quotes
LDA: are you blimd
PKstarship: Uuuuuugggggghhhh
PKstarship: I forgot a " ", how is this so hard to figure
Shree: Does saying "I forgot to put a space in there" really take that much effort

That day we talked about the worst shitposter ever

<%TRS> did I ever tell the story about that one time I kicked LHB
<Erik557> no
<Erik557> tell me
<%TRS> it went like this
<%TRS> !ar timeban LHB 0s fuk u LHB
* %AlcaRobot has kicked LHB from #office (fuk u LHB)

<%AlcaRobot> TRS, your fish to fish set sail for fail. (<TRS> !ar fish -f fish fish)

(On the topic of a card game in one of our forum games)
<@Impetus> if you buy a Time Loop Booster Pack you can play with yourself
<@Impetus> ........
<@Impetus> that wasn't intentional its 5am

<@LHB> i cant believe LHB is fucking dead

<MercuryPenny> ~ar png

<Erik557> wat my dick ;)
<Erik557> eat

First Mechanical Arena clear In Rockman 4 MI
First Limited Arena Clear in Rockman 4 MI

Art I got drawn for me at C3!
Zekrom rage quit (by Eevee
Samus and Luigi on a date (by Eevee)
My username as a Black Metal band logo (by Face)
Zekrom playing a DS (by Mathos)
Heatblast (by MalusAmigo)
Another Heatblast (by Miku)

Layout by Erik557
Layout officially retired on 7-25-2016

Originally posted by Falconpunch

Play 100 horizontal
Play 100 horizontal
Play 100 horizontal

New layout by Erik557

Originally posted by Steven Universe
Originally posted by Pearl
Oh Steven, I told you before not to take peanut butter on missions!
Originally posted by Garnet
I'm not going to say anything, but I expect you to understand that that was wrong.

Originally posted by Zekrom PKstarship

Officially a Mega Man addict.
Major thanks to Giga and Erik557 for the layout.

Originally posted by Sample quote

Sample code

Sample post
Officially a Mega Man addict.
Major thanks to Giga and Erik557 for the layout.