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Ersanio's Profile


Name:  Ersanio
Title: INC $19 Mario

Lurker extraordinaire
Forum posts: 9262 (1.48 per day)
Forum threads: 458 (20.22 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 17 years and 27 days)
Last post: , in The Birthday Thread! (General Discussion)
Last activity: (1 month and 2 days ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 48 (View)
Location: super mario world central
Local time: (2 hours from the server)


User Bio

Hey there! I am Ersanio.

Over the course of the past few years, in order to help others with learning ASM, I've continuously worked on and released my SNES ASM tutorial. Nowadays, I have two ASM tutorials, one focused on opcodes and one which gets you started with ASM hacking. Feel free to check them out here, here and here!

If you want to edit my submissions, you have my permission. In fact, you can even submit them back to the Central. It'll simply mean more (improved) resources for the hackers out there which is a good thing. As of 2020/07/27, rule C6 has been added. I am hereby granting explicit permission to others to modify my resources, as long as I am credited. I am pro-open source resources, after all.

I'm not very active and check my PMs once in a blue moon. Should the need arise, contact me through Discord or my email.
Originally posted by Sample quote

Sample code

Sample post
My blog. I could post stuff now and then

My Assembly for the SNES tutorial (it's actually finished now!)