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mish1's Profile


Name: mish1
Title: le ebin porter man
Forum posts: 134 (0.05 per day) (View)
Forum threads: 13 (10.31 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 7 years, 2 months and 8 days)
Last post: , in [Fan-mini-judge] Let's make the best colla... I mean contest shall we? (finished) (BLDC #2)
Last activity: (1 year and 8 days ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 1 (View)
Location: The Czech Republic
Local time: (2 hours from the server)



User Bio

Hello there, my name's mish1, I'm a Czech ROMhacker and I'm profficent at level design, porting and can do simple ASM and GFX. Outside of SMW, I like trading crypto, PC gaming, messing around and tinkering with software, coding, discussing politics and religion, speedrunning and web design.

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If you're on Firefox 70+, and you don't see the blur effect, go to about:config and enable layout.css.backdrop-filter.enabled and gfx.webrender.all
For the best aesthetics, use Chrome, or with some settings, Firefox.

Colour scheme based on the awesome ViM theme, Gruvbox.