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Batata Douce's Profile

Batata Douce

Name: Batata Douce
Title: I program stuff and make rom hacks.
Forum posts: 257 (0.11 per day) (View)
Forum threads: 42 (6.12 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 6 years, 6 months and 7 days)
Last post: , in The 3 Little Princesses: Update Status (Summer 2024)
Last activity: (17 hours, 58 minutes and 9 seconds ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 9 (View)
Location: Home
Local time: (-3 hours from the server)
Groups: Beta Testers



User Bio

I'm a technology nerd that found out about ROM hacking and made some atrocious hacks that aren't even hosted here. Six years later and I'm still around here, now making quality stuff. I taught myself basic and intermediate ASM, which is helping me create and understand some more advanced things.

I also did some web development, but it has been some time since I was doing it.

Current hacks
The 3 Little Princesses
Join Daisy, Peach and Rosalina on an adventure full of familiar faces.
I originally was just a contributor on this hack, but now I'm co-developing it together with OrangeBronzeDaisy.

Kochobo Dourado 2
I'm a participant.

Other projects
Time Twisted
A turn based RPG similar to the Mario and Luigi series where you can use time for your advantage.
I put it back on the drawing board. Planning how it will play.

Check my YouTube channel too!
Batata Douce

I post some weird stuff and sometimes little teasers.
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