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Digital E's Profile

Digital E

Name: Digital E
Title: SMW's Unofficial Cartographer
Forum posts: 91 (0.04 per day) (View)
Forum threads: 14 (6.50 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 6 years, 1 month and 20 days)
Last post: , in Redrawn Super Mario Bros - Celebrating 40 years! (SMW Central Creativity Convention: Winter 2025)
Last activity: (43 minutes and 2 seconds ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 3 (View)
Location: Earth (?)
Local time: (-5 hours from the server)



User Bio

Hi there! I am Digital E! (Formally known as Digital Entertainment. You can also call me Digi E or DigiE if Digital E is too long). I can only barely call myself an active user, but I like to hover around this site every once in a while. I am currently attending college for a degree in Digital Design. When I'm active, you can expect I'm working on custom overworlds, although I like to do custom graphics as well. I am not working on any full hacks nor do I plan on creating any full hacks in the future.

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Turns out web design has it perks (when it works)