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Segment1Zone2's Profile


Name:  Segment1Zone2
Title: Leader of the Bidoof Army
Forum posts: 709 (0.44 per day)
Forum threads: 105 (6.75 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 4 years, 4 months and 24 days)
Last post: , in Summer Carnival '92: Recca - Hyde by SiameseTwins (Music)
Last activity: (2 hours, 39 minutes and 13 seconds ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 476 (+2 awaiting moderation) (View)
Location: Based Department of Bidoof Island
Local time: (1 hour from the server)
Groups: Staff, Discord Moderators, Music Moderators, Trophy Moderators, Forum Moderators



User Bio

Do NOT approach me requesting compositions or ports on Discord or otherwise, we already have a request forum for that here!

Hi! I'm Segment1Zone2. (More commonly known as Seg or Segment).
I'm a part of the SMW Music Moderation team, helping with the moderation of the SMW Music section on the site, as well as part of the Forum Moderation team, prioritizing the Works in Progress and Requests forums.

I specialize in NES/SNES composing, remixing and porting. You can find several of my works over on the SMW Music section if interested.

Feel free to DM me on Discord if you have a problem or question regarding Music/Forum moderation, a certain submission of mine, or just to say hi, I'm almost always active. (I rarely check site PMs, usually once a month.)

Lots of love, S1Z2 #w{<3}

Last updated: 05/09/2024.
Originally posted by Sample quote

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