I'm mainly a Kaizo level creator, but I'm not super in tune with the community. Largely because of some extreme burnout and honestly just pretty bad mental illness lol
I use They/He pronouns and sometimes go by Rem :p
I'm also the 4th person to ever beat the Fruit Dealer. I know this sounds like bs, but my computer ran out of space like 20 minutes before I actually beat it (VERY old laptop with too many files on it lol), but since my emulator was in fullscreen it didn't tell me that my recording software stopped lmao. May've cried a bit, but I'll beat it again eventually!
Tartastrophe -
Don't play this one. It is insanely difficult, rushed, and overall just not fun. I'd delete it if I could and If you're wondering why I made it so am I lmao.
Of Precision & Style -
I wouldn't recommend this one. The first level is fun, but has some spawn jank issues. The 2nd level I personally like, but it's not for everyone. The 2nd part will also shred the hell out of your fingers. Then the 3rd level is a mixed bag. The first section had a glaring oversight, the 2nd section has an insanely precise trick, and the last part I personally really like, but it's not for everyone, and cause I'm a moron you need to collect the on/off or you'll die at the end and there's zero visual indication for it lol.
L I M B O -
My magnum opus. There are several walls of text for a reason with the smwc page and the read me, but they're there for a reason. It's not for everybody, but I still poured my heart and soul into it. The 1.0 release was insanely difficult and had a lot of problems, massive shoutout to Shoujo for putting up with my bs and helping me make the hack significantly better! Also as a warning, there's 2 versions for a reason, and Act 7 is insanely hard. It's not required to get to the credits, but it is the finale to the hack, and I set out to make the most insane shit I possibly could with the gimmicks of the hack. That said, it's not hard for the sake of being hard, it's just a bunch of tricks back to back to back, and it's not the easiest to sightread since the entire hack's essentially puzzle kaizo.
If you ever need my input on anything I'd be happy to help and am pretty much always open! Best way to contact me would be through Discord.
Other than that, I'm just here to have fun, banter a bit, and provide the masses with my jank!