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NekohDot's Profile


Name:  NekohDot
Title: Tiger Nut + Wide Gape
Forum posts: 830 (0.14 per day) (View)
Forum threads: 138 (6.01 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 15 years, 11 months and 2 days)
Last post: , in The Bar 'n' Grill: Class of 2010 rules! -Anonymous Seniors (Notable Threads)
Last activity: (7 years and 5 days ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 35 (View)
Location: London
Local time: (-2 hours from the server)


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"Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence." -RD