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Nitrogen's Profile


Name: Nitrogen
Forum posts: 62 (0.05 per day)
Forum threads: 13 (4.77 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 3 years, 8 months and 11 days)
Last post: , in Platforming Experience Required (release) (Summer 2024)
Last activity: (1 minute and 49 seconds ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 7 (View)
Local time: (2 hours from the server)



User Bio

Last update: 08-23-2024.

Welcome, I'm Nitrogen. I started SMW hacking in the end of 2014 and get decent knowledge about level design around mid 2020. I barely play romhacks but I'm pretty interested in hacks featuring traditional level design or wacky and weird ideas.
Concerning level design, I tend to do a bit of everything with a focus on traditional platforms and gimmicky levels ranging from normal to very hard difficulty (not yet kaizo, but it should happen one day). I also like trying to make experiments so you might expect some nonsense sometimes.
Feel free to contact me from here or Discord if you have any questions about my works and I will happily reply!

Personal/complete projects
I sometimes manage to release romhacks or demos.

Cursed Experiments (demo) - My personal attempt at making a gimmicky romhack, currently shelved.
Nova Concept - a love letter to SIG - A collection of 10 levels taken from a unfinished project reminescient of SIG's works.
entropy and disorder - A low-effort romhack made in the span of one week, play at your own risk. (full playthrough)
SPOT - A work-in-progress project, featuring standard platforming and traditional design.

Contest entries
Almost all my contributions on SMWC are contest entries, you can find them here.

24hoSMW #13 - SPEED OF LIGHT (14th place) - A level using the 'light' prompt with Quick Man's lasers from Mega Man 2. (video)
OLDC 2021 - The Myth of Icarus (62rd place) - A level based on the myth of Icarus requiring basic flying and hovering with the cape.
24hoSMW #14 - Cold Cash Crisis (3rd place) - A resource-set based level focusing on collecting coins while the coin counter decreases.
QLDC 2021 - lhs_brd.mod but... (no awards) - Yeah (really, don't play this).
MaGL4 - TOSHIBA CUSTOMER HOTLINE SERVICE 3A (12th place) - A level I randomly pulled of after a lack of inspiration, it got two medals.
WLDC 2022 - CHILL (19th place) - A level designed in the style of the Special World levels of SMW. (video)
72hoQLDC #1 - geologist's trouble ('Cool Level' award) - A level made in the spirit of Super Sickos World but with a somewhat cursed ASM.
OWDC 2022 - My 48hoOWDC Entry (16th place) - A spontaneous and silly entry made in the span of 48 hours using vanilla assets.(video)
VLDC13 - Piscine Molitor (13th place) - A puzzly and gimmicky level taking advantage of unintended behaviour of lava tiles (video)
KLDC 2022 - MICHAELSOFT BINBOWS (40th place) - My first complete kaizo level. May be a grind to complete so play at your own risk. (video)
QLDC 2023 - BANZAI MARIO WORLD [collab with Akaginite and  Heraga] (Top 10) - A level where almost every sprite is a Banzai Bill sprite.
CLDC 2023 - KALEIDOSLOPE (20th place) - A slope-gauntlet level but not well executed.
24hoSMW #15 - accounting analysis (4th place) - A level reinterpreting Game & Watch Judge requiring a bunch of SMW knowledge. (video)
KLDCX - fuc-key-ry (36th place) - A level focusing on strange interactions with key, sprite stacks and sticky hands UberASM. (video)
KusoLDC - Turtles 'n Shoulders (8th place) - A level using various glitches related to koopas and screen-scrolling with the shoulder buttons. (video)
OLDC 2023 - (untitled entry) (32rd place) - A Standard: Very Hard level inspired by the Hand Traps levels from SMB3. (video)
SMB3LDC #1 - When Needles Come in Tornadoes (14th place) - A SMB3 level using ceiling spinies. (video)
72hoOWDC #1 - A GREAT GAME OF CHASE (8th place) - An unusual horror/creepy overworld. (video)
VLDC14 - POODLE PIANO PARTY (9th place) - Another gimmick-puzzly level with disappearing note blocks. (video)

Miscellaneous works
Sometimes I release various levels on some events that would have been included on scrapped projects.

Unfinished OWDC 2021 Entry - A video of an unfinished entry for the Overworld Design Contest 2021.
Yorokobi Mario (first level) - A level made for a scrapped sadistic and brutal romhack inspired by unethical japanese hacks.
winter disaster simulator 2022 - A single level initially made for a scrapped Standard: Very Hard romhack.
novenary nugatory - An absolutely low-(low-)effort romhack with some kaizo tricks, play at your own risk. (full playthrough)
SHOBEN HEIGTHS 3 - A low-effort gauntlet initially made for VLDC14.

Contributions to collab romhacks

Super Sickos World - A gimmicky romhack made with  Heraga,  Nanako, margot and  RussianMan for the first Hackjam. It got the 'Best in Show - Standard' and the 'Most Grandest Final' awards. Made 2 levels and miscellanous things.
Rakugaki Mario - A collab romhack inspired by japanese romhacks from the 2007-2009 era. Made 4 levels and 2 multiperson rooms.
Single Level Collaboration - A public collab romhack organized on C3 Summer 2021 resulting in a 18-section level. Made one sublevel. (video)
And Another Thing - The third SMW romhack collab organized by the Talkhaus community. Made 2 levels and 2 multiperson rooms.
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