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Donut's Profile


Name:  Donut
Title: Formerly known as "Friday_D0nat"
Forum posts: 204 (0.14 per day) (View)
Forum threads: 44 (4.64 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 4 years, 1 month and 9 days)
Last post: , in THEY MUST HAVE AMNESIA, THEY FORGOT THAT I'M HIM [4 REQUESTS OPEN - READ THE RULES] (SMW Central Creativity Convention: Winter 2025)
Last activity: (8 hours, 54 minutes and 26 seconds ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 19 (+1 awaiting moderation) (View)
Location: Upper Hungary
Local time: (1 hour from the server)
Groups: Staff, Discord Moderators, KoopaCraft Team

User Bio

Hi! I'm Donát! But most people know me by the lot easier to say and write name of "Donut".
I've always been fascinated with video games, well.. yes I enjoyed playing them, but my favorite part about them was figuring out how they worked, and if I could, edit them, change them to my liking. Of course, I wanted to make my own at one point, but that was too difficult for me.. so, I started looking at other ways of creating games.. Minecraft command block creations, contraptions and games using triggers in Geometry Dash. At one point I was even hacking SMB1 and NSMBU! But at last, at around 2017, I ended up sticking with SMW hacking. It was just the right mix of freedom and limitations for me to comfortably work with. I was always just using the resources I found on the site, and not really even attempting to make my own stuff (apart from graphics), but then one day, I decided to dive into this thing called "65816 assembly". I was doing some simple stuff on my own, but then OLDC'21 came around, and I decided to join. I liked the idea of not having to make any graphics or code or anything for it, so I figured it would be a nice way to start getting into contests. I decided to join the Discord server, for one reason, which was asking questions, since I was new to all of this, and I wanted to know how contests work. After OLDC'21 ended, OWDC'21 rolled around.. I stayed for it, because I enjoyed making overworlds, and I got some encouragement from my new-found friend, who I met during OLDC, Marcozzo Daro, after showing him one of my overworlds I did for fun. After joining the Discord server, it was really easy for me to just ask the users there about anything ASM related. During the contest I was really pushing my limits.. trying my hand at things I've never done before, and looking back at it, I did some pretty cool stuff. During OWDC'21 I've met a lot of people who are still to this day really good friends of mine. I've also met  Segment1Zone2 (who's still one of my bestest friends) during the contest. With him, I went on to also join the first ever QLDC, under which I was once again pushing my limits, and I think we ended up making something genuinely awesome. During OWDC and QLDC I made a lot of friends on the Discord server, so I ended up staying... and even today, I'm a very active user there.
A lot lot happened since then, and I think I've improved a ton. I'm doing things that I couldn't even imagine doing back then in 2017, when I first started. Background modes, HDMA, custom sprites! Oh lord!
I've truly come a long way from my humble beginnings, and the only people I can really thank is the awesome users of this site who've helped me a ton along my journey. This was Donut, thank you for listening to my story. Have a great day!
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