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TheKazooBloccGosh's Profile


Name: TheKazooBloccGosh
Title: Mario escapes the title screen!
Forum posts: 111 (0.08 per day) (View)
Forum threads: 8 (13.88 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 3 years, 10 months and 22 days)
Last post: , in My contest entries collection... got another small(?) update: Beta.0.6: "Oh I now know the music" (Summer 2024)
Last activity: (2 hours, 49 minutes and 44 seconds ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 0 (View)
Local time: (0 hours from the server)



User Bio

Hi, thanks for reading this empty user bio. As a reward here's some comments about my contest entries by time order! (oh no)

KLDC 2021: Vines (Disqualified)
I recommand completing one of the fixed versions first below.

The post-contest fixed versions:
-fixed(simple fixes and 1 cheese removed)
-superfixed(all issues fixed (I hope...))

OLDC 2021: mini-castle of spin (117th/121)

QLDC 2021: Dragons' Restroom (Participant)

WLDC 2022: Thermic Shock (15th/57, FrozenQuills's 3rd choice #smrpg{y})

72hQLDC 2022: Exvisible (Participant)

QLDC 2023: Keypunch peak tower (Distinction: A Knock Out!)

Also I participated in Transmission Chain Experiment, uhhhh... let's say it's an experiment, ok?
Originally posted by Sample quote

Sample code

Sample post
My 1st romhack in progress (testing avaiable)...