~here are some hacks i recommend you check out~
[title] by TRS
A Maxi Mini Hack by noon
A Strange Mission by WhiteYoshiEgg
Back to the Classics by Spud Alpha
Chaotic Realm by anonimato
Cinnamon Hills by AlanJacobs
Dongs! by The Kins
Ieo by Delta
Lunar Limbo by Uhrix and GN
Mario in Yoshi's Heartland by Hach
Mario's Walk Home: Extended Collector's Edition by TRS
Rise to the Challenge by AxemJinx
Strange Mario World by Acmlm
Sunny Side World by cwiarl
Super Mario's Island Hopping Adventure by Techokami
Super Mario Odyssey by BMF
Super Mario World Classic Comebacks by reghrhre
Super Mario World Competition Cartridge by arnpoly
The Coin Hunt by WhiteYoshiEgg
The Forever Mystery Part 0: Prologue by FirePhoenix
The Ninji Saga by The Kins
The Title is Irrelevent by Forty2
The Treasure Hunt by Joshua
Vanilla Failure by Blind Devil
World of Illusion by Azure