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SF - The Dark Warrior's Profile

SF - The Dark Warrior

Name: SF - The Dark Warrior
Title: October Ordeal Abridged
Forum posts: 966 (0.17 per day) (View)
Forum threads: 47 (20.55 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 15 years, 8 months and 12 days)
Last post: , in Worst enemies to play against in SMW (SMW Hacking Discussion)
Last activity: (17 hours, 58 minutes and 37 seconds ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 32 (View)
Location: U.S.A.
Local time: (-5 hours from the server)
Groups: Beta Testers



User Bio

I am smart. Do not call me epicly stupid. Also known as sspp10. - Old news (back when I was a member of ROMHacking.NET)

MAJOR Update: I am an SMB/SMB3 hacker, and a Mario Fangamer. I am most active on MFGG, although I visit here from time to time. I am also active on YouTube, where I am known as sspp0310. - More old news, I don't hack SMB3 anymore and rarely ever hack SMB1. Additionally, had a falling out with MFGG last winter that I am no longer active over there.

If anybody wish to add me as a contact on Skype, contact me through PM. - Even more old news from years old writing when I was a dumb kid.

Now then, post leniency is rather unprecedented since other communities wouldn't let shitposts fly, even with ones doing it for the funnies. Its an interesting experiment for giving more freedom to say whatever that unfortunately is ripe for abuse. Its why I believe we can't have nice things in practice. - No longer 2016, the community found a healthy balance.

Anyways modern introduction - Your SMW Redrawn styled art guy, retro game pixel art enthusiast, and aspiring gamedev. If you have anything you need of me pertaining to art, PM me though the chances of me doing art for free for your project is low because of a lot of things such as demotivation and irl things being among the recurring struggles I as an artist face.

Discord Tag: StrikeF - The Dark Warrior #7319 - I dont add in random nobodies.
Originally posted by Sample quote

Sample code

Sample post
Modern Redrawn Mario Bros. 1.5 (last update - February 14, 2023, some new bonus frames, tons of minor touchups to various poses)

On Pixel Art Requests: Depends on what it is and if I have the time for it. If its complex and I don't have the time, don't expect me to accept it.

Projects I support: