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Guido_Keller's Profile


Name: Guido_Keller
Title: A madness man and like eating
Forum posts: 49 (0.09 per day)
Forum threads: 4 (12.25 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 1 year and 6 months)
Last post: , in Artical Level Design Contest (Community Contests & Events)
Last activity: (4 hours, 26 minutes and 4 seconds ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 2 (View)
Location: Hyper Northland
Local time: (8 hours from the server)



User Bio

Guido_Keller(Lysenko)'s User bio

I am an SMW Hack enthusiast who is passionate about making revisions, and of course, I also produce a small amount of GFX.

I also play the Celeste.Then I decide to make a hack about it

In addition, I often play other people's hacks and have also played Kaizo type hacks. I am passionate about writing and artistic creation in reality

After all, life is long and interesting. At the same time, I am also willing to collaborate with others to create.

For what?For the most interesting things.
I have too many circles of activity, so I use pie charts to indicate where my main energy is focused

· SMW Central
· Minecraft

But I actually have a lot of free time, so I can still participate in a lot of activities

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The Mario's Greatest Adventure. with Brutapode89