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linkunarre's Profile


Name: linkunarre
Forum posts: 531 (0.09 per day) (View)
Forum threads: 11 (48.27 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 15 years, 6 months and 25 days)
Last post: , in Basic & Advanced HTML/CSS Tutorial + Help Thread (Computers & Technology)
Last activity: (4 years ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 2 (View)
Location: Barcelooooonaaaaaaa
Local time: (-7 hours from the server)



User Bio

IRC channel fun things!!!
* Niko replaces the munchers he had which turned into coins with a single redstone torch
* linkunarre gets squished
<Niko> Infinite power for me!
* Nu_ rapes a Kieran
<Nu_> I win
<Kiddo> o.o
<Kieran> o_O
* linkunarre rapes Nu and his Kieran

* Nu_ uses Lunar Magic to delete the muncher
<Leafeon> >:D
<Nu_> Winner
* linkunarre uses lunar magic to delete Nu
* Niko destroys Lunar Magic

* linkunarre jumps of a cliff
<Nu> of a cliff
<Nu> lovely
<Shellface> jumping like a cliff!
<Shellface> yeah!
<Nu> I duobt cliffs can jump
<DJ_Galax> you duobt
<DJ_Galax> fantastic
<linkunarre> TT
<linkunarre> i'm not perfect ok?!?
<Nu> >.>
<Shellface> I don't believe anyone expected anyone to be
<Shellface> well except certain fascists
* linkunarre shots his head with a cannon
<Shellface> but LET'S NOT GET INTO THAT shall we
<SF|008> shots his head
<SF|008> Excellent.
<Sonikku> not shots it
<linkunarre> oh fuck my keyboard hates me
<linkunarre> TT

<Electron> stop dividing by zero
<linkunarre> who?
* Gamma_V divides by zero and ends the world.
* Shellface subtracts from infinity in an attempt to do something of any sort
* linkunarre uses lunar magic restore to repair all

Hey, that's pretty good!

Thanks Ladida for this EPIC and Awesome layout!
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Sample post

Thanks Ladida for this EPIC and Awesome layout!