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Theoneselected7's Profile


Name: Theoneselected7
Title: Not difficult. Learn ASM. -carol
Forum posts: 31 (0.49 per day)
Forum threads: 4 (7.75 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 2 months and 2 days)
Last post: , in Tiny tweak to move Yoshi's head by 5 pixels (Requests)
Last activity: (6 hours, 45 minutes and 36 seconds ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 0 (View)
Local time: (0 hours from the server)



User Bio

It's Thivame! yeah i know
you might ask why i created a new one it's because i lost my password!

Well anyways i was following SMW Central for a long time,and i decided to register!

By the way, i am 日本語!
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