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Luigi's Profile


Name: Luigi
Forum posts: 526 (0.08 per day) (View)
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Since: (registered for 17 years, 5 months and 20 days)
Last post: , in Luigi in: The Crazy Dreamy Mayhem! [progress is just as fast as a slug] (Works in Progress)
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My results for the Halloween level contest:
- 14 - Somewhat scary
- This hack was somewhat scary just because it had a pretty dark theme throughout. Most of the scares came from hidden pitfalls and surprising enemies. Most of it though was a normal jump-and-bump Mario level. Some more suspense would have been good.

- 13 - Level Design meh
- This level was kind of an average level. There were a couple innovative parts, but these were bogged down by some cheap enemy placement and cheap jumps over spikes. I think the difficulty could be toned down or more varied. Also, I would have liked to have seen more problem-solving in a Ghost House. It was still a pretty good level overall though.

-Not a bad level. The Redrawn graphics were a nice little touch here. I also
liked the general style of the level, including the transition from inside
to outside. However, there were parts of the level that felt a bit tedious
and boring, along with a few annoying jumps.

-Wasn't as scary as it could have been. Again, the Redrawn graphics helped to
up the score a little here, along with the spooky little side story - however,
as a whole, there wasn't really enough to genuinely scare someone.

DESIGN: 28.5/40
SCARE: 27.5/40

Better than Nothing, I say.
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